This is an app that lists shops nearby.
- As a User, I can sign up using my email & password
- As a User, I can sign in using my email & password
- As a User, I can display the list of shops sorted by distance
- As a User, I can like a shop, so it can be added to my preferred shops Acceptance criteria: liked shops shouldn’t be displayed on the main page
- As a User, I can dislike a shop, so it won’t be displayed within “Nearby Shops” list during the next 2 hours
- As a User, I can display the list of preferred shops
- As a User, I can remove a shop from my preferred shops list
- Java/Spring :
- Backend : Spring Boot
- Frontend : Angular 4
- Database : MongoDB
A MongoDB dump with ~300 shops is provided. To import the data, you need to extract the zip file then execute the command below :
mongorestore --db shops shops/
→ → A shop database will be created with a shops collection.
→ → Dump File : here
Next, we create a 2dsphere index, which supports geolocation queries over spherical spaces.
use shops
db.shops.createIndex( { location : "2dsphere" } )
Once this is set up, we can issue location-based queries, in this case using the ‘geoNear’ to get list of shops sorted by distance
Download and unzip the Application source repository , or clone it using Git:
git clone
You can deploy Spring Boot API with Maven Or with an IDE.
I workerd with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.5 (Community Edition).
Open Projetc with IntelliJ IDEA
Next Import maven dependencies:
Project > [your project name] > right click > Maven > Reimport
Once this is set up, execute the Application.
cd angular-client
npm install
ng build
ng build --prod
ng serve