A collection of various scripts we use to automate our station. All of these Scripts are made to be used on Windows. Tested on Windows 8.1 and 10 x64 only. They may work on other Versions as well. If you are on a Windows Server Version, you may need to install the desktop user experiance package to be able to mount webdav as a driver letter, for example.
- Mailsend.exe https://github.com/muquit/mailsend
- Wget http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm
- robocopy (available since Windows Vista)
- GetAllDateTimeInfos.cmd https://administrator.de/wissen/workshop-batch-runaways-part-iii-datums-zeitvariablen-17083.html
- Some older scripts use blat as the eMail sending tool. https://www.blat.net/ This should be changed to use only one tool.
In this folder you find scripts related to the Radio Automation Software mAirlist. You will find both here, Normal Action Scripts and Background Scripts. A short description is included in the File-Header.