Find accommodation in many locations across the world or offer a room!
Live demo -
That's regular user, just to try faster functionalities, you can create your account.
- email -
- password - 123
- JavaScript
- page.js
- lit-html
- Back4app
- can view rooms and details
- can login or register
- can be a host and user - guest
- user - guest
- can host a room
- can book a room
- can remove pending reservations
- can view his pending and confirmed reservations for current room
- can view all his own rooms and profile
- can logout
- host
- can edit or delete room
- can confirm or remove pending reservations
- can view confirmed reservations from all users for room
- guards for rights
- preload data
- modal
- notifications
- disabled button after click
- spinner
- active bar
- and more