- Base RV32I or RV64I
- Optional extensions E, C and M
- Optional instruction and data caches
- Classic five pipeline stages
- Harvard architecture
- Machine mode only
- CSR block
- For use in embedded systems. Optional caches, use internal FPGA memory.
- Jump address recalculated in ID stage. Zero jump flushes/stalls
- Verilator RTL simulation
- Custom C++ app for behavioral simulation
- Verilator testbench for individual modules
- Quartus Prime 20.1
- Terasic DE0-Nano (Cyclone-IV)
- CorePP.sv : 5 stage pipeline
- CoreSC.sv : Single cycle processor for verification and comparation purposes
- Cache/*.sv : L1 caches
- Stage/*.sv : Files for stages
- Pipeline/*.sv : Files for pipeline registers
- Unified instruction and data memory
- L2 Cache and SDRAM interface
- Peripherical bus (Wishbone ?)
- Debug interface