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RaghavGirgaonkar committed May 26, 2024
1 parent 59931a6 commit f863d09
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Showing 56 changed files with 3,343 additions and 7 deletions.
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions Misc/NormalizationCheck/LIGOnoise.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
function [outNoise, PSD] = LIGOnoise(N, Fs, noise_num, noisefile)
%Function to create colored noise using LIGO Design Sensitivities
% Design PSD is modified between 15 Hz and 700Hz.
% Input: N = Total number of samples,
% Fs = Sampling Frequency,
% (Optional) noise_num = noise realization number from a pre-created noise realizations file
% (Optional) noisefile = pre-created noise realizations filename
% Output: outNoise = colored noise vector,
% PSD = two-sided PSD vector for positive DFT frequencies

% Raghav Girgaonkar, April 2023

%Load PSD
y = load('iLIGOSensitivity.txt','-ascii');
% freqs = y(:,1);
% sqrtPSD = y(:,2);

%Turn one-sided sensitivity to two-sided
y(:,2) = (1/sqrt(2))*y(:,2);

% Interpolate sensitivity curve to positive DFT frequencies
minF = min(y(:,1));
maxF = max(y(:,1));
if minF ~= 0
% f=0 does not exist, put it in
y = [0, y(1,2);...
if maxF < Fs/2
error('High frequency limit requested is higher than supplied');

%Positive DFT frequencies
kNyq = floor(N/2)+1;
fvec = (0:(kNyq-1))*Fs/N;

%% Interpolation
interPSD = interp1(y(:,1),y(:,2), fvec);

%% Modifications, change cutoff frequencies as needed
minidx = find(fvec<=30, 1, 'last' );
maxidx = find(fvec<=700, 1, 'last' );

Sn50 = interPSD(minidx);
Sn700 = interPSD(maxidx);

interPSD(1:minidx) = Sn50;
interPSD(maxidx:end) = Sn700;

%Convert Amplitude spectral density to Power Spectral Density
PSD = interPSD.^2;

%% Make colored Noise
fltrOrdr = 10000;

outNoise_t = statgaussnoisegen(N,[fvec(:),PSD(:)],fltrOrdr,Fs, noise_num, noisefile);

outNoise = outNoise_t(fltrOrdr+1:end - fltrOrdr);

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Misc/NormalizationCheck/allparamfiles.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"signalparamfile": "signal.json",
"psoparamfile": "pso.json",
"filenames": "files.json"
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions Misc/NormalizationCheck/animate_matchedfiltering.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
%% Script to create an animation of matched filtering timeseries.

%% Define Data Parameters
sampFreq = 4096;
datalen = 128;
N = datalen*sampFreq;
frange = [30,700];
fpos = (0:floor(N/2))*(1/datalen);
timeVec = (0:(datalen*sampFreq - 1))/sampFreq;

%% Create Colored Gaussian Noise
[noise, PSD] = LIGOnoise(N, sampFreq, 1, 'sample');

%Create Total PSD and Transfer Function
negFStrt = 1-mod(N,2);
kNyq = floor(N/2)+1;

PSDtotal = [PSD, PSD((kNyq-negFStrt):-1:2)];
TFtotal = 1./sqrt(PSDtotal);

%Pre-calculate frequency magnitude and phase difference terms
[A,avec, phaseDiff] = preprocessing(frange(1),frange(2),fpos, datalen, N);

%Create general normalization factor N_fW
AbysqrtPSD = A.*TFtotal;
innProd = (1/N)*(AbysqrtPSD)*AbysqrtPSD';
genNormfacSqr = real(innProd);
N_fW = 1/sqrt(genNormfacSqr);

%% Generate Signal to Inject
chirptimes = [29.6373, 1.1045];
ta = 34;
initial_phase = 0;
phase = 0;
snr = 12;

signal = gen2PNtemplate_tau(fpos, ta, phase, frange(1), frange(2),chirptimes(1), chirptimes(2),datalen,initial_phase,snr, N, A, avec, PSDtotal);

signal = signal*sqrt(sampFreq);

plot(timeVec, noise);
hold on;
plot(timeVec, 30*signal);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Strain h(t)');
axis tight;
ax = gca(); ax.XAxis.FontSize = 20; ax.YAxis.FontSize = 20;
%Save whitened and normalized signal and noise
%Window first
whtndsignal = ifft((1/sqrt(sampFreq))*fft(signal).*TFtotal);

%Inject signal into data
strain = noise + signal;

%Whiten and normalize strain
rolloff = 0.5;
fmin = frange(1);
strainwin = strain.*tukeywin(length(strain),rolloff*sampFreq/length(strain))';
whtndstrain = ifft((1/sqrt(sampFreq))*fft(strainwin).*TFtotal);

%Make GIF
% Define the filename for the gif
giffilename = 'matchedfiltering_animation.gif';
time_lapse = 0.0001;
title_text = 'Generation of Matched-Filtering Timeseries';

% Create a new figure window
fig = figure;
mftimeseries = zeros(1,N);
for i = 1:1*sampFreq:N
q0 = gen2PNtemplate_tau(fpos, i/sampFreq, 0, frange(1), frange(2),chirptimes(1), chirptimes(2),datalen,initial_phase,1, N, A, avec, PSDtotal);
whtndq0 = ifft(fft(q0).*TFtotal);
q1 = gen2PNtemplate_tau(fpos, i/sampFreq, pi/2, frange(1), frange(2),chirptimes(1), chirptimes(2),datalen,initial_phase,1, N, A, avec, PSDtotal);
whtndq1 = ifft(fft(q1).*TFtotal);

% I0 = innerproduct(strain, q0, PSDtotal, sampFreq);
% I1 = innerproduct(strain, q1, PSDtotal, sampFreq);

I0 = real((1/N)*sum(fft(whtndstrain).*conj(fft(whtndq0))));
I1 = real((1/N)*sum(fft(whtndstrain).*conj(fft(whtndq1))));

I = sqrt(I0^2 + I1^2);

mftimeseries(i) = I;

hold on;
plot(timeVec, whtndstrain); hold on;
plot(timeVec, 5*whtndsignal, Color='red' ); hold on;
plot(timeVec, 20*whtndq0,Color='yellow'); hold on;
plot(timeVec(1:i), mftimeseries(1:i), Color='black',LineWidth=1.5); hold on;
xlabel("Time (s)");
ylabel("Whitened Strain h(t)");
ax = gca(); ax.XAxis.FontSize = 20; ax.YAxis.FontSize = 20;
% axis tight;

title(title_text,'FontSize',16,'Color',[0 0 0]), hold on;

%Capture frame
% Capture the current frame and save it to the gif
frame = getframe(fig);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);

if i == 1
imwrite(imind,cm,giffilename,'gif', 'Loopcount',Inf,'DelayTime',time_lapse);



% figure;
% plot(timeVec, noise);
% hold on;
% plot(timeVec, 10*signal);
% axis tight;
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions Misc/NormalizationCheck/animate_matchedfiltering_glitch.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
%% Script to create an animation of matched filtering timeseries.

%% Define Data Parameters
sampFreq = 4096;
datalen = 128;
N = datalen*sampFreq;
frange = [30,700];
fpos = (0:floor(N/2))*(1/datalen);
timeVec = (0:(datalen*sampFreq - 1))/sampFreq;

%% Create Colored Gaussian Noise
[noise, PSD] = LIGOnoise(N, sampFreq, 1, 'sample');

%Create Total PSD and Transfer Function
negFStrt = 1-mod(N,2);
kNyq = floor(N/2)+1;

PSDtotal = [PSD, PSD((kNyq-negFStrt):-1:2)];
TFtotal = 1./sqrt(PSDtotal);

%Pre-calculate frequency magnitude and phase difference terms
[A,avec, phaseDiff] = preprocessing(frange(1),frange(2),fpos, datalen, N);

%Create general normalization factor N_fW
AbysqrtPSD = A.*TFtotal;
innProd = (1/N)*(AbysqrtPSD)*AbysqrtPSD';
genNormfacSqr = real(innProd);
N_fW = 1/sqrt(genNormfacSqr);

%% Generate Signal to Inject
chirptimes = [0.001,0.01];
qchirptimes = [11.6373, 1.1045];
ta = 54;
initial_phase = 0;
phase = 0;
snr = 360;

signal = gen2PNtemplate_tau_negative(fpos, ta, phase, frange(1), frange(2),chirptimes(1), chirptimes(2),datalen,initial_phase,snr, N, A, avec, PSDtotal);

signal = signal*sqrt(sampFreq);

% figure;
% plot(timeVec, noise);
% hold on;
% plot(timeVec, 30*signal);
% xlabel('Time (s)');
% ylabel('Strain h(t)');
% axis tight;
% ax = gca(); ax.XAxis.FontSize = 20; ax.YAxis.FontSize = 20;
%Save whitened and normalized signal and noise
%Window first
whtndsignal = ifft((1/sqrt(sampFreq))*fft(signal).*TFtotal);

%Inject signal into data
strain = noise + signal;

%Whiten and normalize strain
rolloff = 0.5;
fmin = frange(1);
strainwin = strain.*tukeywin(length(strain),rolloff*sampFreq/length(strain))';
whtndstrain = ifft((1/sqrt(sampFreq))*fft(strainwin).*TFtotal);

%Make GIF
% Define the filename for the gif
giffilename = 'matchedfiltering_glitch_animation.gif';
time_lapse = 0.0001;
title_text = 'Generation of Matched-Filtering Timeseries';

% Create a new figure window
fig = figure;
mftimeseries = zeros(1,N);
for i = 1:1*sampFreq:N
q0 = gen2PNtemplate_tau(fpos, i/sampFreq, 0, frange(1), frange(2),qchirptimes(1), qchirptimes(2),datalen,initial_phase,1, N, A, avec, PSDtotal);
whtndq0 = ifft(fft(q0).*TFtotal);
q1 = gen2PNtemplate_tau(fpos, i/sampFreq, pi/2, frange(1), frange(2),qchirptimes(1), qchirptimes(2),datalen,initial_phase,1, N, A, avec, PSDtotal);
whtndq1 = ifft(fft(q1).*TFtotal);

% I0 = innerproduct(strain, q0, PSDtotal, sampFreq);
% I1 = innerproduct(strain, q1, PSDtotal, sampFreq);

I0 = real((1/N)*sum(fft(whtndstrain).*conj(fft(whtndq0))));
I1 = real((1/N)*sum(fft(whtndstrain).*conj(fft(whtndq1))));

I = sqrt(I0^2 + I1^2);

mftimeseries(i) = I;

hold on;
plot(timeVec, whtndstrain); hold on;
plot(timeVec, whtndsignal, Color='red' ); hold on;
plot(timeVec, 20*whtndq0,Color='yellow'); hold on;
plot(timeVec(1:i), mftimeseries(1:i), Color='black',LineWidth=1.5); hold on;
xlabel("Time (s)");
ylabel("Whitened Strain h(t)");
ax = gca(); ax.XAxis.FontSize = 20; ax.YAxis.FontSize = 20;
% axis tight;

title(title_text,'FontSize',16,'Color',[0 0 0]), hold on;

%Capture frame
% Capture the current frame and save it to the gif
frame = getframe(fig);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);

if i == 1
imwrite(imind,cm,giffilename,'gif', 'Loopcount',Inf,'DelayTime',time_lapse);



% figure;
% plot(timeVec, noise);
% hold on;
% plot(timeVec, 10*signal);
% axis tight;

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