Generate beautiful code blocks with syntax highlights for editor.js.
Ideally the bellsybable-block should be used with this backend server that does SSR of the raw code:
It has integration with which does the heavy the lifting of converting the strings into a stream of tokens, and then applies styling to them.
npm i bellsybable-block
import BellsybableBlock from "bellsybable-block";
const editor = new EditorJS({
autofocus: true,
tools: {
bellsybable: {
class: BellsybableBlock,
config: {
languages: ["bash", "python"],
name | description |
generatorFunction | Function used to send your request. See payload structure:Payload |
generateUrl | If you are using default generator just change it to a desired endpoint |
styles | Themes that can be used during rendering. See: styles |
languages | Languages that bellsybable supports. See: languages |
autoGenerate | true or false whether to send automatically render request after user finishes typing |
defaultStyle | which style should new blocks use |
defaultLanguage | which language is selected by default |
"id": "J4JNR4QdKX",
"type": "bellsybable",
"data": {
"fileName": "",
"style": "dracula",
"language": "python",
"rawCode": "import json\n\nexample_dict = {'hello': 'world'}\n\nprint(example_dict)",
"formattedCode": "<pre tabindex=\"0\" style=\"color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#282a36;\"><code><span style=\"display:flex;\"><span><span style=\"color:#ff79c6\">import</span> json\n</span></span><span style=\"display:flex;\"><span>\n</span></span><span style=\"display:flex;\"><span>example_dict <span style=\"color:#ff79c6\">=</span> {<span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\"></span><span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\">'</span><span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\">hello</span><span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\">'</span>: <span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\"></span><span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\">'</span><span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\">world</span><span style=\"color:#f1fa8c\">'</span>}\n</span></span><span style=\"display:flex;\"><span>\n</span></span><span style=\"display:flex;\"><span><span style=\"color:#8be9fd;font-style:italic\">print</span>(example_dict)</span></span></code></pre>"
You can use some other custom backend that returns structure in a correct response format.
Request will be a POST method with the following structure:
"code": "WRITTEN_CODE",
"language": "SELECTED_LANGUAGE",
Expected Response: