Please note: This readme is currently incomplete. It might be worked around Aug 2021 or later. Till then I hope what's written is suffice.
Cutshort is URL Shortner built with Django, MySQL, and Sass.
It's live at
Some notes/brainstorming for myself
So we'll be dividing this into 2 parts
- The shortner
- The redirector
The shorter will basically do all the create/write stuff to the db table. It'll be hosted/operate on
And the redirector will do all the redirecting and hence will mostly just do read operations on the db table. It'll be hosted on<shortlink if any>
Current have 3 environment variables:
- secret_key // django secret key
- DEBUG_COLLECTSTATIC=1 // for static files stuff in production. TBH Kinda forgot what this does exactly
- DATABASE_URL // db url for dj-database-url
Since I didn't like typing export env_variable=value
thrice, I just put three export commands in a bash script (i.e. .sh
Example file:
#! /bin/bash
export secret_key=<value goes here>
export DATABASE_URL=<value goes here>
To use this I need to type in source <file name>.sh
and we're good to go!
Make a RESTish API to check whether the shortlink exists Form which will POST to
. If no shortlink tho create random, write to db and send back. If shortlnk -- Will check internally using REST API ke function to confirm ki it exists. --- If it does exist tho error page/404 with a message. --- If it doesn't exist, tho create and redirect to Success page. -
Read the shortlink from<shortlink>
and then see if it exists in table. If it does exist, then redirect to corresponding hyperlink. If it doesn't exist then retun 404 page.
In need to use back or to ensure retrys on queries.
get_stats v/s getStats will need to be fixed in both and
Querying DB everytime for rendering homepage probably not good. Maybe use Cronjobs or time to update a variable/value regularly and just use that. Maybe use env_variables. Look into good use cases of env variables.
I've made changes with tenacity.
Querying the database to load the homepage seems a bit much. I'll need to figure something out. Might use orjson ( and read from a json file. And write to it using a library called schedule (