A save editor for Fire Emblem Fates
What this does:
- Opens a "chapter" save
- Shows a few things
- Lets you apply some cheats or make some changes
- Lets you save changes to the file you opened
How to use:
- Backup your save. You'll need homebrew and svdt or some other save manager. Also if you're on the digital version, you need CFW I think because of newer save encryption.
- Copy your save to your computer.
- (Optionally) Decompress it using FEST, available here: https://github.com/RainThunder/FEST
- File > Open
- Click cheat buttons
- File > Save
- Restore the save
Have fun, and I guess report problems? I don't know how much I'll add to this...
Special thanks:
- RainThunder for making FEST https://github.com/RainThunder/FEST
- SciresM for making FEAST, which FEST is based upon https://github.com/SciresM/FEAST
- Also RainThunder for making the convoy editor, which I drew some inspiration from https://github.com/RainThunder/Fire-Emblem-Fates-Convoy-Editor
- Various posters (KuroKairaku, TheGrandGander, probably others) in the threads about this game on Serenesforest.net and Gbatemp.net for a few hex offsets that were tricky to find on my own
- Other Serenesforest posters (EldinTokuro, 9Hopper) for reporting bugs and giving me their saves to test with
- RainThunder and rilne for contributing bug fixes
- Whoever ripped the skill icon graphics and whoever put them onto the Serenesforest.net website. Thanks for using the IDs in the file names, by the way. That made my life a little easier!
- Whoever compiled these ID lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bem9eu9IAEBm7d6PBZhtddDnDUnLpdoZ7ddenFSURmw/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1077677946 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HAdsxVVxNKaxu90Lnb4WfWM-HH2TFLfNFQzsYwIDmKs/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0
- I think that's it? I hope I didn't forget anyone!
Also, shoutout to ShadowMario3 for the complete support log save file that he posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/49omnd/100_support_log_global_save_file_for_fates/
That kind of inspired me to do this at all, and I'll probably add code to do that to this later on.