This project is not related to doom-nvim!!!
Stylish Themes!
Simply go to lua/plugins/themes.lua to view of your installed themes
Awesome Default Plugins!
Basic, Fast, Popular and Easy to use deafult plugins for all of you programming needs
Games and cool Fun stuff!
You can now procastinate with ease using all cool games inside Neovim
Easy Integration!
Easily switch between services such as Godot or Obsidian to Neovim in a cool seamless way
If you already have a .config/nvim
folder, it is recommended you make a backup of it somewhere
e.g. rename it to .config/nvim.backup
You will need the Github-CLI tool and the w3m package, for navigating through github on NeoVim and browsing the web, ripgrep, and npm
p.s. If you are new and never configured Neovim before than you can skip this section
First of all, clone the repository using th following command:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Now remove the .git
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git
Then after it has been cloned you can now start Neovim with the nvim
To Install/Uninstall Plugins you need to delete their file, and because each file has it's own plugin and configuration this means that it is one of the most easiest ways to manage your plugins
-- img
You can configure each component by linking the files to specific locations too, although I forgot how to do it.
All of the commands availible in this config are the same as those in VSCode when you use the VSCodeVim plugin
Contributions are always welcome!
for ways to get started.
Credits to LazyVim, [Vimacs] and doom-nvim for inspiration on a powerful config like this one