The Movie Buff : A Single-page Progressive Web App (PWA) built using React, Redux, Service Worker, Workbox, Webpack3, Express and NodeJS.
- PRPL pattern with minimal application core
- Route based chunking with React Router 4 and import()
- Automatic common chunk bundling
- CSS Modules
- Service Workers management using Workbox
- Webpack 3
There is a webpack configuration to warn us if any of the chunk exceeds 300kB, thereby impacting user experience:
performance: {
maxAssetSize: 300000,
maxEntrypointSize: 300000,
hints: 'warning'
The REST API powering the app is hosted as a standalone application built using Express and NodeJS. Here is the code. The frontend is a SPA built using React, Redux that is served using a bare minimum express server.
Following are the key technologies used in the frontend and backend:
- React 16.x
- Redux
- Redux Thunk
- React Router 4
- Webpack 3
- Workbox
- Prettier
- Materialize CSS
- PostCSS
- Lodash
yarn install - Installs dependencies
yarn run dev - Starts the Webpack dev server
yarn run start - Starts an Express server to serve our app
yarn run build - Builds the app for deployment
yarn run lint - Lints src/
yarn run lint:fix - Lint check + Fix errors