This repository contains some basic programs related to Data Structures. These programs are part of my journey to understand and implement fundamental data structures efficiently.
- Arrays: Basics of arrays, insertion, deletion, traversal, and searching.
- Linked List: Implementation of singly and doubly linked lists with operations like insertion and deletion.
- Stack: LIFO structure implementation using arrays and linked lists, along with basic operations like push, pop, and peek.
- Queue: FIFO structure implementation using arrays and linked lists, covering enqueue and dequeue operations.
- Binary Tree: Implementation of binary trees with basic traversal techniques (inorder, preorder, postorder).
- How to efficiently implement and use different data structures.
- Understanding time complexity and space complexity associated with each structure.
- Strengthening problem-solving skills with real-world examples.
- Hashing: Implementing hash tables and collision resolution techniques.
- Graphs: Basic graph structures, traversal techniques (DFS, BFS).
Stay tuned for more updates as I explore advanced data structures and algorithms!