It is a single-page application to present space exploration missions are done by SpaceX company. SpaceX Data API is used to get the data.
Milestone 1 - project setup
Select the API you are going to use. Build files structure for your React app. Prepare routes and navigation in your app.
Milestone 2 - index page with filters
Make sure that a user can display a list of items and filter them. Data should come from the backend API.
Milestone 1 - single item page
Make sure that a user can display a details page for each item. Data should come from the backend API.
Milestone 2 - styling & testing
If you need some extra time for adding tests or making your app more beautiful. Now it's the time for this! Also, you can fix any minor bugs that you could have found in your app.
Milestone 1 - connect to API and receive data
Work on nice-to have features(s)
Milestone 2 - deploy & video
Check if the deployed version of the app is working perfectly. Record your video. You are ready for a code review!
- Use JSX syntax correctly
- Pass info to components using props with validation
- Use React components lifecycle methods
- Use DOM event listeners in components
- Use lifting to pass state from children to parent components
- Use client-side routes
- Design the components structure for a website
- Test React code
- Use Redux store to keep state
- Connects Redux to React app (includes map state and dispatch to props)
- Deploy apps (Heroku, Netlify)
- Use linters (code standards)
- Maintain professional Github Repos
- Node.js
- npm
- ES6
- React
- React-DOM
- create-react-app
- React-Redux
- Redux
- PropTypes
- webpack (create-react-app uses it, didn't set it manually)
- Heroku
- Jest
- ESLint
- eslint-config-airbnb
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks
- Stylelint
- stylelint-config-standard
- stylelint-csstree-validator
- Pure CSS
- react-bootstrap
Clone the repo by typing
git clone
Install packages with
npm install
Start server with:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Clone the repo by typing
npm run test
👤 Ramin Mammadzada
- Github: @raminmammadzada
- Twitter: @raminmammadzada
- Linkedin: Ramin Mammadzada
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
Give a star if you like this project!