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302 lines (210 loc) · 18.5 KB


An Aseprite extension that lets you mass-import images, export importable Spine data and manipulate layers

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Aseprite Spine

About The Project

This project was made to remove a few hassles I had when working with Asperite:

  • Exporting a sprite to Spine
  • Mass importing images into a Sprite
  • Renaming sprite layers
  • Sorting sprite layers

With that in mind, this Aseprite extension lets you do all of the above with ease.


Reddit thread: [Release] Two Aseprite Projects: Script Development Library & Feature-Rich Extension


  • Automatically save your settings to global/local config


  1. Download the latest-release
  2. Go to your downloads folder
  3. Execute the asperite-extension file
  4. Go to Edit > Preferences > Extensions
  5. Make sure that Despair Extension is present under the Scripts category


  1. Click File > Despair Extension


Config Settings

Option Description Default Value
Current Config The current config file that's being used. global

Buttons Information

Button Description
Confirm Confirms the settings for export.
Cancel Cancels the export altogether.
Reset Resets the settings to their default values.




Transform this:


Into that:




  • Configurable output path
  • Configurable images & sound paths
  • Ability to export Sprite sheet
  • Ability to trim a Sprite's file name
  • Ability to format the Sprite's file name
  • Configurable export file format
  • Ability to trim the Sprite sheet


  • Ability to convert SpriteSheet into importable Spine data
  • Configurable root positioning
  • Ability to convert Aseprite groups into Spine skins
  • Ability to format slot and attachment names


  • You cannot name your skins "default" as this is reserved by Spine itself


Output Settings

Option Description Default Value
Output File The parent directory of the selected file will be used for export. the file itself
Output Subdirectory The subdirectory used for export. images
Groups As Directories If each group will be exported to it's own directory. true

Sprite Settings

Option Description Default Value
Export SpriteSheet If the sprite sheet will be exported. true
Sprite Name Trim If the sprite name will be trimmed.
Trims the first instance "_" and everything preceding it.
File Name Format The file name's format with modifiable placeholders. {spritename}-{layergroup}-{layername}
File Format The files' export format. png
SpriteSheet Trim If the exported files' will have their excess space trimmed. true

Spine Settings

Option Description Default Value
Export SpineSheet If the spine sheet will be exported. true
Set Static Slot If the same slot will be used for everything that's exported. true
Static Slot Name The name of that static slot. slot
Set Root Position If the root position will be set in the export file. true
Root Position Method The method which will be used for setting the position.
Automatic: To use this method, create a layer called "root" and place a single pixel where you want the root to be.
Center: The center of the canvas will be used as root.
Manual: Input the coordinates manually in the subsequent fields.
Root Position X The X coordinate of the root. 0
Root Position Y The Y coordinate of the root. 0
Set Images Paths If the images path whithin the exported spine file will be set. true
Images Path The images path. images
Groups As Skins If you want to convert aseprite groups to spine skins. true
Skin Name Format The skins' format with modifiable placeholders. weapon-{layergroup}
Seperate Slot/Skin If you want to seperate the slots and skins. true
Slot Name Format The slots' name format with modifiable placeholders. {layernameprefix}
Skin Attachement Format The skins' attachement format with modifiable placeholders. {layernameprefix}-{layernamesuffix}
Layer Name Separator The layers' name seperator. -



  • Configurable input path
  • Ability to convert directories into layer groups
  • Ability to decide how the images should be positioned
  • Ability to manage how duplicates should be handled


Input Settings

Option Description Default Value
Input File The parent directory of the selected file will be used for import. the file itself
Input Subdirectory The subdirectory used for import. sprite
Directories As Groups If each directory will be imported to it's own group. true
Duplicates Mode The method which will be used for handling duplicate layers.
Ignore: The duplicates will be ignored and a new copy will be created.
Override: The duplicates will be updated with the newly imported cels.
Skips: The duplicates will be skipped (nothing will happen).
Sprite Position Method The method which will be used for positioning cels.
Center: The cels will be centered to canvas.
Inherit: The cels will keep their position from the imported file.
Manual: The cels will have the position specified.
Sprite Position X The X coordinate of the sprite. 0
Sprite Position Y The Y coordinate of the sprite. 0



  • Ability to mass rename all layers present in Sprite


Input Settings

Option Description Default Value
Match Matches the specified string for replacement. this
Replace Replaces the matched string with the one specified here. that
Prefix Adds the specified string at the start of the layer name. prefix
Suffix Adds the specified string at the end of the layer name. suffix



  • Ability to sort all layers present in Sprite


Input Settings

Option Description Default Value
Sort Method The method which will be used for sorting layers.
Ascending: The layers will be sorted ascendingly.
Descending: The layers will be sorted descendingly.


If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.
You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

