An Aseprite extension that lets you mass-import images, export importable Spine data and manipulate layers
This project was made to remove a few hassles I had when working with Asperite:
- Exporting a sprite to Spine
- Mass importing images into a Sprite
- Renaming sprite layers
- Sorting sprite layers
With that in mind, this Aseprite extension lets you do all of the above with ease.
Reddit thread: [Release] Two Aseprite Projects: Script Development Library & Feature-Rich Extension
- Automatically save your settings to global/local config
- Download the latest-release
- Go to your downloads folder
- Execute the
file - Go to Edit > Preferences > Extensions
- Make sure that
Despair Extension
is present under the Scripts category
- Click File > Despair Extension
Option | Description | Default Value |
Current Config | The current config file that's being used. | global |
Button | Description |
Confirm | Confirms the settings for export. |
Cancel | Cancels the export altogether. |
Reset | Resets the settings to their default values. |
- Configurable output path
- Configurable images & sound paths
- Ability to export Sprite sheet
- Ability to trim a Sprite's file name
- Ability to format the Sprite's file name
- Configurable export file format
- Ability to trim the Sprite sheet
- Ability to convert SpriteSheet into importable Spine data
- Configurable root positioning
- Ability to convert Aseprite groups into Spine skins
- Ability to format slot and attachment names
- You cannot name your skins "default" as this is reserved by Spine itself
Option | Description | Default Value |
Output File | The parent directory of the selected file will be used for export. | the file itself |
Output Subdirectory | The subdirectory used for export. | images |
Groups As Directories | If each group will be exported to it's own directory. | true |
Option | Description | Default Value |
Export SpriteSheet | If the sprite sheet will be exported. | true |
Sprite Name Trim | If the sprite name will be trimmed. Trims the first instance "_" and everything preceding it. |
true |
File Name Format | The file name's format with modifiable placeholders. | {spritename}-{layergroup}-{layername} |
File Format | The files' export format. | png |
SpriteSheet Trim | If the exported files' will have their excess space trimmed. | true |
Option | Description | Default Value |
Export SpineSheet | If the spine sheet will be exported. | true |
Set Static Slot | If the same slot will be used for everything that's exported. | true |
Static Slot Name | The name of that static slot. | slot |
Set Root Position | If the root position will be set in the export file. | true |
Root Position Method | The method which will be used for setting the position. Automatic: To use this method, create a layer called "root" and place a single pixel where you want the root to be. Center: The center of the canvas will be used as root. Manual: Input the coordinates manually in the subsequent fields. |
center |
Root Position X | The X coordinate of the root. | 0 |
Root Position Y | The Y coordinate of the root. | 0 |
Set Images Paths | If the images path whithin the exported spine file will be set. | true |
Images Path | The images path. | images |
Groups As Skins | If you want to convert aseprite groups to spine skins. | true |
Skin Name Format | The skins' format with modifiable placeholders. | weapon-{layergroup} |
Seperate Slot/Skin | If you want to seperate the slots and skins. | true |
Slot Name Format | The slots' name format with modifiable placeholders. | {layernameprefix} |
Skin Attachement Format | The skins' attachement format with modifiable placeholders. | {layernameprefix}-{layernamesuffix} |
Layer Name Separator | The layers' name seperator. | - |
- Configurable input path
- Ability to convert directories into layer groups
- Ability to decide how the images should be positioned
- Ability to manage how duplicates should be handled
Option | Description | Default Value |
Input File | The parent directory of the selected file will be used for import. | the file itself |
Input Subdirectory | The subdirectory used for import. | sprite |
Directories As Groups | If each directory will be imported to it's own group. | true |
Duplicates Mode | The method which will be used for handling duplicate layers. Ignore: The duplicates will be ignored and a new copy will be created. Override: The duplicates will be updated with the newly imported cels. Skips: The duplicates will be skipped (nothing will happen). |
override |
Sprite Position Method | The method which will be used for positioning cels. Center: The cels will be centered to canvas. Inherit: The cels will keep their position from the imported file. Manual: The cels will have the position specified. |
center |
Sprite Position X | The X coordinate of the sprite. | 0 |
Sprite Position Y | The Y coordinate of the sprite. | 0 |
- Ability to mass rename all layers present in Sprite
Option | Description | Default Value |
Match | Matches the specified string for replacement. | this |
Replace | Replaces the matched string with the one specified here. | that |
Prefix | Adds the specified string at the start of the layer name. | prefix |
Suffix | Adds the specified string at the end of the layer name. | suffix |
- Ability to sort all layers present in Sprite
Option | Description | Default Value |
Sort Method | The method which will be used for sorting layers. Ascending: The layers will be sorted ascendingly. Descending: The layers will be sorted descendingly. |
ascending |
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.
You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Aseprite Forums
- Esoteric Software Forums (Spine Animation Forums)
- aseprite-to-spine made by jordanbleu
- AsepriteScripts made by PKGaspi
- for badges