My personal Neovim Config (work in progress)
- nvim-tmux-navigation
- LuaSnip
- nvim-cmp (and others that work together)
- nvim-lspconfig
- mason.nvim
- none-ls
- mini.nvim
- telescope.nvim
- plenary.nvim
- Comment.nvim
- nvim-treesitter
- conform.nvim
- lualine.nvim
- nvim-autopairs
- oil.nvim
- trouble.nvim
Mode | Keymap | Output |
n | leader-pv | Neovim file explorer |
v | K | Drag line up |
v | J | Drag line down |
n | J | Drag next line to the end of current line |
n | leader-w | Save file |
v | > | Drag selected line to the right |
v | < | Drag selected line to the left |
n | leader-e | Toggle file tree |
i | jk | Return to normal mode |
i | C-c | Return to normal mode |
n | leader-x | chmod +x current file |
n | leader-s | Rename, using vim |
n | C-Space | Open vim command line |
n | leader-0 | Close current buffer (:q!) |
n | leader-vpp | Edit the plugins file from anywhere |
Oil.nvim (only in oil window)
Keymap | Output |
? | Show help |
leader-v | Open in vertical split |
leader-s | Open in horzontal split |
leader-t | Open in new tab |
leader-fs | Find string (live grep) |
leader-f. | Find text in current file |
leader-km | Find keymaps |
C-k | Navigate up in selection |
C-j | Navigate down in selection |
Mode | Keymap | Output |
n | leader-leader | Find Files |
n | leader-fo | Find last files |
n | leader-fp | Find project files (git repository) |
n | leader-fb | Find buffers |
n | leader-fs | Find string (live grep) |
n | leader-f. | Find text in current file |
n | leader-km | Find keymaps |
i | C-k | Navigate up in selection |
i | C-j | Navigate down in selection |
Keymap | Output |
C-Space | Trigger word suggestion |
C-b | Scroll suggestion documentation up |
C-f | Scroll suggestion documentation down |
C-e | Cancel |
Tab | Next suggestion |
S-Tab | Previous suggestion |
Enter | Accept selected suggestion |
Mode | Keymap | Output |
n | gR | Telescope references and definition |
n | gd | Go to declaration |
n | gD | Go to definition |
n | gi | Show LSP implementations |
n | gt | Go to type definitions |
n | leader-ca | See available code actions |
n | leader-rn | Smart rename in buffer |
n | leader-fd | Show file diagnostics |
n | leader-d | Show diagnostics for current line |
n | K | Show documentation for what is under the cursor |
- Keybinds to split panes
- Set up bufferline
- Configure language servers for LspConfig
- Neodev plugin
- fix keybind to trigger autocomplete
- fix go to definition