Texto is a GUI text-editor made in Tkinter (python). It is basically an advance version of Notepad application.
Additional features include:
- Spelling Checker and Corrector
- Text to Speech
- Find and replace
- Number-Line Sidebar
- Theme changer
- Line and Column number
- Word counter
- FullScreen Mode
Download and install Texto-1.12-amd64.msi and run texto.exe
Recently added Features
- Improved spelling checker with word correction option
- Line Number SideBar (With dynamic size adjuster)
- ToolTips (i.e. Button Labels)
- Tab-size change option
- Contextual Menu (i.e. Right Click Menu)
- FullScreen Mode(F11 and Esc)
- UI changes
Basic Features
- New
- Save, Save As
- Open, Close
- Cut, Copy, Paste
- Clear All
Font change options
- Bold, Italics, Underline
- Font Size, Family, Color
Alignment change options
- Left Align
- Right Align
- Center Align
Spell-checker and Corrector
- (When ON) Checks the spelling of each word and highlights(in red) any unknown word.
- Also suggests list of words to choose and fix the word.
Text to Speech
- (When ON) Speaks the selected text (when pressed the button or Ctrl+T).
Application theme changer
- Contains multiple themes such as White, Monokai, Dark, Red, Blue etc.
Number-Line Sidebar
- It shows the line number along with text area and updates accordingly.
- Updates dynamically based on the space required.
- It can be removed if not required in 'View' tab.
Find and Replace
- Finds the matching word/sentence and highlights it (with yellow background).
- The words can also be replaced with another word/sentence.
Word counter
- Counts the number of words and character written.
Line and Column Number
- Follows the mouse pointer and keeps the track of line and column number in the editor.
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com