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This website is mainly a Car service expert booking website. User can choose his desire expert for his service. Without login, user can't booking experts. User can login with Facebook, github, google & twitter. User also register with email and password. Also implement CRUD operation in this project.
- Using Email Password login & registration system in this project.
- Also using Google,Facebook & Github login & registration system in this project.
- Users can book experts for their desire services.
- Without login, user can't book their expert.
- Users also can add expert and can delete his added experts.
- Users also can see his order & can delete his order as well.
- Using Local Storage to store & get accesstoken.
- Using Bootstrap 5 & Row CSS for Responsive Design.
- Using Express JS for server side.
- Using MongoDB database for CRUD operation.
- Using Firebase for authentication & hosting.
- Using React-Firebase-Hooks for implement full authentication system.
- Using React-Router-DOM for routing.
- Using React-Toastify for showing simple Toast message in this website.