For this project, we will have to build an English-to-Lolcattranslation engine.This is a glossary of more than 2,200 words that you can use as a basis (English words that don’t have a Lolcatequivalent are left as they are).
Your program must be able to read in a plain-text file in English (.txtextension), translate it, and produce another text file in Lolcat, regardless of the length of the text (i.e. it should be able to translate an entire book if needed). Your program should take the path of the file as its only argument, and save the resulting translated file in the same path with the same name, except with a_lolcat suffix. For instance, if the input file is called hamlet.txt, the output file must be called hamlet_lolcat.txt. Remember that you can use Python’s input() function to interact with the user via the Terminal