There are a small handful of Addons published under the Ravenous Addons umbrella.
Ravenous Nameplates · (CurseForge) · (WoWInterface)
“Cycles through four different nameplate configurations: enemy, friendly, all, none.”
Ravenous GPS · (CurseForge) · (WoWInterface)
“Let people know where you/your target are!”
Oribos Flight Attendant · (CurseForge) · (WoWInterface)
“Simply adds a native waypoint to your map when you’re in the Ring of Transference that points to the Flight Master.”
Tol Barad When? · (CurseForge) · (WoWInterface)
“Keep track of the next Tol Barad battle.”
Beledar's Shadow When? · (CurseForge)
“Keep track of when Beledar's Shadow begins in Hallowfall and whether you have defeated Beledar's Spawn today.”
Daily Reset Countdown · (CurseForge)
“Keep track of when the daily reset is.”
Secret Fish · (CurseForge) · (WoWInterface)
“Keep track of your progress on "Secret Fish of Mechagon" and "Secret Fish and Where to Find Them"”
Honorable Kills Tracker · (CurseForge)
“Keep track of your Honorable Kills and achievement progress.”
- Angleur
- Baganator
- Battle Pet BreedID
- BigDebuffs
- Leatrix Plus
- LiteMount
- Mount Journal Enhanced
- Pet Battle Scripts
- Rarity
- Rematch
- SilverDragon - Rare Scanner
- TomTom
- World Quest Tracker
- Discord: WaldenPond