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RaviRahar edited this page Aug 9, 2024
1 revision
Note: Use fzf >= 0.53 or downgrade fzf-combi-mode to this commit.
This plugin provides combi mode for FzfLua. It just combines different already existing modes and a new browser mode, making them work coherently.
Combi mode combines 3 modes together:
- browser: browser (custom)
- grep: live_grep_native (default)
- files: files (default)
Using vim-plug
Plug "RaviRahar/fzf-combi-mode"
Plug "ibhagwan/fzf-lua", {"branch": "main"}
Plug "junegunn/fzf", { "do": { -> fzf#install() } }
Using packer.nvim
use { "RaviRahar/fzf-combi-mode",
requires = {
{ "junegunn/fzf", run = "./install --bin" },
Using lazy.nvim
dependencies = {
{ "junegunn/fzf", run = "./install --bin" },
:FzfCombiMode res=true mode=browser
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ff", ":FzfCombiMode res=true<CR>", opts)
-- or
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ff", function() require("fzf-combi-mode").mode_combi() end, opts)
Some default keybindings:
- <C-f> : cycle between modes
- <BS> : Act as normal backspace, but if query is empty then go back in path
- <C-t> : cycle in submodes of browser mode (toggles files or hidden, by default only non-hidden directories are shown)
-- These are defualts
-- Only provide settings you want to change
default = "files",
res = true,
keys = {
grep_key = "ctrl-g",
browser_key = "ctrl-i",
files_key = "ctrl-b",
cycle_key = "ctrl-f",
parent_dir_key = "ctrl-h",
browser_keys = {
toggle_hidden_key = "ctrl-z",
toggle_files_key = "ctrl-y",
toggle_cycle_key = "ctrl-t",
goto_path_key = "ctrl-l",
new_file_key = "ctrl-q",
new_dir_key = "ctrl-e",
delete_key = "ctrl-x",
- You can make two keybindings, one that always opens in current dir and another that resumes from where you left off. Both will work independently, i.e., state for keybinding with res=false will not be saved
local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true }
-- keybinding that resumes
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ff", function() require("fzf-combi-mode").mode_combi({ mode = "files" }) end, opts)
-- keybinding that do not resume
-- <leader>fh as in fzf_files here (in cwd), since it will not resume and will always open in cwd
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fh", function() require("fzf-combi-mode").mode_combi({ res = false, mode = "files" }) end, opts)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>fg", function() require("fzf-combi-mode").mode_combi({ res = false, mode = "grep" }) end, opts)