Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - A Practice Project
This simple yet engaging Rock, Paper, Scissors game was built as part of my practice to strengthen my programming skills and enhance my logic-building abilities. The game allows users to play against the computer, where each player can choose one of the three possible actions: Rock, Paper, or Scissors. The program then compares the choices and determines the winner based on the classic rules:
Rock beats Scissors Scissors beats Paper Paper beats Rock The project is designed to reinforce concepts such as conditionals, randomization, user input handling, and basic game logic. It serves as a fun and interactive way to improve both coding and decision-making processes.
Key Features:
Simple, intuitive interface for user interaction Randomized Computer opponent Clear output displaying the results of each round (win, lose, or draw) Basic error handling for user input This game is a great starting point for anyone looking to dive into game development and practice fundamental programming concepts.