Project built in JS (NodeJS), which uses IGs API in order to query a specific post off a business profile and automatically update a comment with the post metrics (likes, views etc).
Project built in JavaScript (using Node.JS) that based on a Business Instagram Profile media objects (eg: a video) statistics (like count, views, comments etc.), updates a specific reply with the current metrics of the specified media object.
This leads to a behaviour of a continuous automated update of the metrics (no user action required).
Uses the Instagram Graph API.
The solution is based on a Client class (src/Classes/Client/client.js) which handles all required operations to do the automated update. Axios handles API calls to IG Graph API. Express configures a server which runs the app that updates the metrics based on a set interval of time.
- Express (server)
- dotenv (env variables)
- axios (Instagram Graph API requesting)