For comparision purpose, we implemented FEM+CG and ROM+CG pipelines.
- FEM/ROM is used to perform forward operations (computing the solution to the heat equations)
- And CG is used to perform backward operations (computing the reconstructed source term)
Created by: Yuxuan Huang
Required python packages:
numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, NGSolve(for mesh initialization and FEM solver)
To download NGSolve:
This folder contains test data that stores the FEM and ROM evaluation results for different parameter sets and organized into csv files. (data includes 1/mesh_stepsize, runtime, iteration number, etc.)
This folder contains images for true source terms, final time observations, and reconstructed final results via FEM/ROM.
The source terms are all letters.
Naming rule: [1/mesh_stepsize]_[letter or pattern name]_[type(source or observation or (reconstuciton)method]
This folder contains primitive square images with basic Arial font letters of different (pixel)sizes.
They are used as source terms.
Naming rule: [letter name]_[image side length:number of pixels]
This folder contains all the utility functions for the numerical methods, input (image) conversion, and plotting.
This folder contains some animated processes (forward and backward).
This folder contains primitive and processed images for true source terms, final time observations, and reconstructed final results via FEM/ROM.
The source terms are all non-letter patterns.
Naming rule: [pattern name]_[type(source or observation or (reconstuciton)method][1/mesh_stepsize]
- this is the main testing notebook.
- conducts a single reconstruction process for the final observation data of a "unknown" source pattern using FEM+CG and/or ROM+CG.
- plots the runtime and/or iteration comparison for the FEM+CG and ROM+CG method.
- plots L-curve graphs for FEM and ROM results and their differences in L_2 errors in terms of different hyper parameters.
- conducts a series of reconstruction trials over one pattern under different hyper parameter combination and organized the results into one csv file.
- prototype notebooks to verify pipeline feasibility and conduct miscellaneous tests.