Warning: This script is not for trading with permission.
kinflux-bot-God is a powerfull Multi Device whatsapp bot. ⚡️ Lightning-Fast Responses: 300 feutures and many more
kinflux bot God v2

Tap here for contact me on WhatsApp Messenger 🎐
My email Adress : kinfluxdigital@gmail.com 🎐
Scan the QR and upload guru.data.json to your fork(will recieve it on your bot number after scanning)
Run the following commands to clone the repo (Use your fork)
> git clone https://github.com/diggilly/kinflux_bot_god_v2
> cd kinflux_bot_god_v2
Run this following command to install the dependencies
> npm install
> npm start
Running the above command will start the bot. To authenticate scan the QR which shows up in the terminal using the WA-Web Scanner on your WhatsApp . Good Luck!
- This repo is not for sale trade.
- Don't forget give
this repo 🌟 - This script is not made for
purpose. - If you have problem,
Tap Here
for help
kinflux digital
- | ✅ For the Script stabilitydiggilly
- | ✅ For README.MD CODEAdirajShing
- | ✅ For a huge library