Manages authentication and authorization. For authentication this application uses a very simple approach. So it is the users responsibility not to insert any invalid user in the database.
For a user get authenticated the system must know the user first. There are two types of users: admin and regular user. An admin cannot be created by a user sign-up process. Admin account is created on company sign-up process. There can be only one admin per company.
Signing up a company is restricted to Realtime Location Service authority.
During a company sign-up process an admin account is created with an AppKey to use with the application for all kinds of interaction. For example signing up users and getting user locations and metadata, etc.
POST /api/v1/company/signup
Description: Endpoint to register a company. This is a restricted endpoint. This will not be provided to any personnel outside of the Realtime Location Service. All request must have a secret header.
{ "name": "example", "domain": "" }
POST /api/v1/user/signup
Description: Endpoint to register users for the companies.
Payload AppKey is a secret which will be provided while registering the company. UserId is a unique id for the company to identify their users. Any sign-up request having the already existing userId against an AppKey will not create any new user.
{ "appKey": "9Of0u659BiyVAmJ/58yzrw==", "userId": "test2" }
GET /api/v1/user/resolve
Description: Endpoint to retrieve all users for a company/AppKey.
{ "userId": "893caacf-3592-4682-af91-de8639f9b681", "role": "admin", "appKey": "2o4oyirltg1pt1IrNnMhEQ==", "companyId": "0435693e-7d86-4539-bfe9-ef1b232ec7b3", "subordinates": [ { "userId": "test" } ] }
- Upgraded libraries and dependencies.
- Improved error response
Improved error response
Released first production version