A full stack web application developed using the Django REST Framework and React, allows the user to enter a tracking number and fetch details relating to that tracking number (parcel/consignment data) from the database.
- REST API uses
class within the logic for a more customized flow- Front End has 2 components which are
<ErrorAlert />
and<SearchBar />
linking back toApp.js
- Conditional rendering was used quite a lot on the front end :)
Go ahead and clone the project on to your local machine
- open a terminal in the project root and run the command
python3 manage.py runserver
- open another terminal tab but this time inside of the front end folder and run the command
npm start
- navigate to localhost:3000 and start playing around with the project!
- navigate to
(that is where the REST API is being served) - stop the server and run the command
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
to create an admin account - visit
and login with the credentials you created - start punching in some dummy data and then take the pre-generated tracking number and put it through the front end to get data about it!
- [Django REST Framework] - https://www.django-rest-framework.org/
- [React] - https://reactjs.org/
- [SQLite] - https://sqlite.org/index.html