BMP(全称Bitmap)是Window操作系统中的标准图像文件格式,可以分成两类:设备相关位图(DDB)和设备无关位图(DIB),使用非常广。它采用位映射存储格式,除了图像深度可选以外,不采用其他任何压缩,因此,BMP文件所占用的空间很大。BMP文件的图像深度可选1bit、4bit、8bit及24bit。BMP文件存储数据时,图像的扫描方式是按从左到右、从下到上的顺序。 由于BMP文件格式是Windows环境中交换与图有关的数据的一种标准,因此在Windows环境中运行的图形图像软件都支持BMP图像格式。
BMP文件格式由文件头和原始位图数据Raw Bitmap Data构成(详见https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format)。
位图格式的文件头长度可变,而且其中参数繁多。但通常情况下bmp格式图片的文件头长度均为54字节,其中包括14字节的Bitmap文件头以及40字节的DIB(Device Independent Bitmap)数据头,或称位图信息数据头(BItmap Information Header)。
图像数据块从文件头中起始偏移量字段所指出的位置开始,其中存放着位图图像的数据,数据格式由图像参数信息块中的压缩方式选项的取值决定。操作图像数据块时,需要注意: 当压缩方式为RGB时,图像数据块以“行”为单位双字(4字节)对齐,如1行像素的字节数不为4的倍数,则进行填充,直至4字节对齐为止(一般填充0)。
参考资料:UG902 (v2018.2) July 2, 2018
- OpenCV Interface Functions
实现在AXI4流式数据类型和标准的OpenCV数据类型之间的转换。 - AXI Interface Functions
实现在视频数据和hls::Mat数据类型之间的转换。 - Video Processing Functions
兼容标准的OpenCV函数,以操作和处理视频图像。这些函数使用hls::Mat数据类型,并可由Vivado HLS综合。Vivado HLS视频库中包含的视频处理函数是专门用于操作视频图像的。这些函数大多是为了加速相应的OpenCV函数而设计的。
Function Type | Function | Description |
OpenCV Interface | AXIvideo2cvMat | Converts data from AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to OpenCV cv::Mat format |
OpenCV Interface | AXIvideo2CvMat | Converts data from AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to OpenCV CvMat format2 |
OpenCV Interface | AXIvideo2IplImage | Converts data from AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to OpenCV IplImage format |
OpenCV Interface | cvMat2AXIvideo | Converts data from OpenCV cv::Mat format to AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format |
OpenCV Interface | CvMat2AXIvideo | Converts data from OpenCV CvMat format to AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format |
OpenCV Interface | cvMat2hlsMat | Converts data from OpenCV cv::Mat format to hls::Mat format |
OpenCV Interface | CvMat2hlsMat | Converts data from OpenCV CvMat format to hls::Mat format |
OpenCV Interface | CvMat2hlsWindow | Converts data from OpenCV CvMat format to hls::Window format |
OpenCV Interface | hlsMat2cvMat | Converts data from hls::Mat format to OpenCV cv::Mat format |
OpenCV Interface | hlsMat2CvMat | Converts data from hls::Mat format to OpenCV CvMat format |
OpenCV Interface | hlsMat2IplImage | Converts data from hls::Mat format to OpenCV IplImage format |
OpenCV Interface | hlsWindow2CvMat | Converts data from hls::Window format to OpenCV CvMat format |
OpenCV Interface | IplImage2AXIvideo | Converts data from OpenCV IplImage format to AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format |
OpenCV Interface | IplImage2hlsMat | Converts data from OpenCV IplImage format to hls::Mat format |
AXI4-Interface | AXIvideo2Mat | Converts image data stored in hls::Mat format to an AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format |
AXI4-Interface | Mat2AXIvideo | Converts image data stored in AXI4 video stream (hls::stream) format to an image of hls::Mat format |
AXI4-Interface | Array2Mat | Converts image data stored in an array to an image of hls::Mat format. |
AXI4-Interface | Array2Mat | Converts image data stored hls::Mat format to an array. |
Video Processing | AbsDiff | Computes the absolute difference between two input images src1 and src2 and saves the result in dst |
Video Processing | AddS | Computes the per-element sum of an image src and a scalar scl |
Video Processing | AddWeighted | Computes the weighted per-element sum of two image src1 and src2 |
Video Processing | And | Calculates the per-element bitwise logical conjunction of two images src1 and src2 |
Video Processing | Avg | Calculates an average of elements in image src |
Video Processing | AvgSdv | Calculates an average of elements in image src |
Video Processing | Cmp | Performs the per-element comparison of two input images src1 and src2 |
Video Processing | CmpS | Performs the comparison between the elements of input images src and the input value and saves the result in dst |
Video Processing | CornerHarris | This function implements a Harris edge/corner detector |
Video Processing | CvtColor | Converts a color image from or to a grayscale image |
Video Processing | Dilate | Dilates the image src using the specified structuring element constructed within the kernel |
Video Processing | Duplicate | Copies the input image src to two output images dst1 and dst2, for divergent point of two datapaths |
Video Processing | EqualizeHist | Computes a histogram of each frame and uses it to normalize the range of the following frame |
Video Processing | Erode | Erodes the image src using the specified structuring element constructed within kernel |
Video Processing | FASTX | Implements the FAST corner detector, generating either a mask of corners, or an array of coordinates |
Video Processing | Filter2D | Applies an arbitrary linear filter to the image src using the specified kernel |
Video Processing | GaussianBlur | Applies a normalized 2D Gaussian Blur filter to the input |
Video Processing | Harris | This function implements a Harris edge or corner detector |
Video Processing | HoughLines2 | Implements the Hough line transform |
Video Processing | Integral | Implements the computation of an integral image |
Video Processing | InitUndistortRectifyMap | Generates map1 and map2, based on a set of parameters, where map1 and map2 are suitable inputs for hls::Remap() |
Video Processing | Max | Calculates per-element maximum of two input images src1 and src2 and saves the result in dst |
Video Processing | MaxS | Calculates the maximum between the elements of input images src and the input value and saves the result in dst |
Video Processing | Mean | Calculates an average of elements in image src, and return the value of first channel of result scalar |
Video Processing | Merge | Composes a multichannel image dst from several single-channel images |
Video Processing | Min | Calculates per-element minimum of two input images src1 and src2 and saves the result in dst |
Video Processing | MinMaxLoc | Finds the global minimum and maximum and their locations in input image src |
Video Processing | MinS | Calculates the minimum between the elements of input images src and the input value and saves the result in dst |
Video Processing | Mul | Calculates the per-element product of two input images src1 and src2 |
Video Processing | Not | Performs per-element bitwise inversion of image src |
Video Processing | PaintMask | Each pixel of the destination image is either set to color (if mask is not zero) or the corresponding pixel from the input image |
Video Processing | PyrDown | Blurs the image and then reduces the size by a factor of 2. |
Video Processing | PyrUp | Upsamples the image by a factor of 2 and then blurs the image. |
Video Processing | Range | Sets all value in image src by the following rule and return the result as image dst:dst(I) = (end-start)x(ixdst.cols+j)/(dst.rows*dst.cols) |
Video Processing | Remap | Remaps the source image src to the destination image dst according to the given remapping |
Video Processing | Reduce | Reduces 2D image src along dimension dim to a vector dst |
Video Processing | Resize | Resizes the input image to the size of the output image using bilinear interpolation |
Video Processing | Set | Sets elements in image src to a given scalar value scl |
Video Processing | Scale | Converts an input image src with optional linear transformation |
Video Processing | Sobel | Computes a horizontal or vertical Sobel filter, returning an estimate of the horizontal or vertical derivative. |
Video Processing | Split | Divides a multichannel image src to several single-channel images |
Video Processing | SubRS | Computes the differences between scalar value scl and elements of image src |
Video Processing | SubS | Computes the differences between elements of image src and scalar value scl |
Video Processing | Sum | Sums the elements of an image |
Video Processing | Threshold | Performs a fixed-level threshold to each element in a single-channel image |
Video Processing | Zero | Sets elements in image src to 0 |
- 创建HLS工程,选择板子型号为XC7Z020-CLG484-1,添加hls文件夹内的源文件及测试平台文件,然后依次点击Project、Project Settings...、Synthesis、Browse...,选择sobel作为顶层函数。
- 修改宏INPUT_IMAGE和宏OUTPUT_IMAGE,分别表示待处理图片的文件路径以及图片输出路径。
- 点击Run C Simulation,进行C仿真。
- 点击Run C Synthesis,进行C综合。
- 点击Run C/RTL Cosimulation,进行C/RTL协同仿真。
- 点击Export RTL as IP,将综合后的代码导出为IP。
点击IP Catalog,添加HLS导出IP的路径。
点击Create Block Design,分别添加HLS导出的IP(名为sobel)、AXI VDMA IP核以及ZYNQ IP核。如下图所示:
sobel ip:无需配置。
axi vdma ip:将Frame Buffers设置为1,其余保持默认即可。
zynq ip:包括勾选1个AXI GP接口,2个AXI HP接口,设置PL端时钟频率,勾选UART和SD,配置DDR型号(因开发板型号不同而不同)。 -
手动连接AXI STREAM接口,其余自动连线即可,连线完成后,进行Validate Design,最终的硬件系统如下所示
右键block design文件,点击Create HDL Wrapper。
点击Generate Bitstream,进行综合、布局布线、生成比特流。
File-->Export-->Export Hardware,勾选Include bitstream,然后点击OK。
Tool-->Launch Vitis。
- Launch Vitis后,选择Workspace路径,点击Launch。
- 创建平台
Create Platform Project,输入Project Name,next,next,点击Browse选择vivado导出的.xsa硬件描述文件,最后点击Finish。 - 选择zynq_fsbl下的Board Support Package,点击Modify BSP Settings,勾选xilffs,并将xilffs设置中的use_lfn的修改为1,以支持长文件名的读取。对standalone on ps7_cortexa9_0下的Board Support Package进行相同的操作。
- 创建SDK工程
点击File-->New-->Application Project,填写Project name,next,next,next,选择Empty Application,点击Finish。 - 将sdk文件夹下的所有文件拷贝至创建工程的src文件夹下。
- 双击lscript.ld,修改堆栈大小。如将Stack Size和Heap Size均调节为0x2000000。
- 右键工程,点击Build Project。连接开发板,打开串口调试助手(波特率选择115200)。将bmp图片存入SD卡,插到FPGA开发板上。
- 烧写程序。右键工程,点击Run As-->Run Configuartions,双击Single Application Debug,点击Run。
- 可通过修改const char* input_image和const char* output_image来改变待测试图片和输出图片的文件名。
- 运行完成后,拔出SD卡,在PC上通过读卡器查看结果。
void rgb2gray(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void gaussian(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void binary(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void dilate_erode(AXI_STREAM& INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM& OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
void fast_corner(AXI_STREAM & INPUT_STREAM,AXI_STREAM & OUTPUT_STREAM,int rows,int cols);
可以看到,这6个函数的参数是一致的:其中,INPUT_STREAM表示通过AXI STREAM接口输入的待处理图像,OUTPUT_STREAM表示通过AXI STREAM接口输出的已处理图像,rows、cols分别表示待处理图像的高、宽。其处理流程也类似,如下图方框内所示:
首先,将AXI STREAM协议输入的图片或视频通过hls::AXIvideo2Mat转化为hls::Mat数据类型,然后,通过HLS Video library函数链对其进行处理,处理完毕后,再通过hls::Mat2AXIvideo将hls::Mat数据类型转化为AXI STREAM协议的输出。
为了测试其它HLS Open-CV处理函数,仅需修改Demo中的:
- HLS开发中的第1步:选择顶层函数,例如选择fast_corner。
- SDK开发中的第5步:将main.c中的第11、80、110-113以及122行中的IP核名称修改为当前IP核的名字。
#include "xsobel.h"--->#include "fast_corner.h"
XSobel hls_inst;--->XFast_corner hls_inst;
//line 110-113,驱动函数
XSobel_Set_rows(&hls_inst, (u32)h);--->XFast_corner_Set_rows(&hls_inst,(u32)h);
XSobel_Set_cols(&hls_inst, (u32)w);--->XFast_corner_Set_cols(&hls_inst, (u32)w);