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Spin Up Platform

Rob Taylor edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 18 revisions

So you'd like to run the platform would you? This guide will tell you which commands to run, where and why.

Which components do we have in play?

  • Kubernetes, managed using kops
  • 'Platform' itself, composed of the API container and the cron worker container
  • Github Oauth
  • A Database, Postgres preferred

Step 1: Kubernetes

We're going to install kops on our local machine and use it with config stored in the s3://k8s-reconfigureio-infra bucket to spin up a kubernetes cluster.

kops depends on kubectl so follow the kubectl installation instructions

Since I (Max) am using a linux distro that supports Snap the install process becomes: sudo snap install kubectl --classic

Next up we need to install kops using the kops installation instructions

curl -LO$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64
chmod +x kops-linux-amd64
sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

Next we need to tell kops to look at our S3 bucket for config. Using awscli, make sure you can access this bucket with

aws s3 ls s3://k8s-reconfigureio-infra

If you can't, you need to set up your IAM access keys - you'll want the same permissions as the 'campgareth' account. If you dont have keys, generate them and set the up for your console as per Use us-east-1 as default region.

export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://k8s-reconfigureio-infra

kubectl is used for managing a running k8s cluster so we need to get kops to build kubectl's config file: kops export kubecfg

Right, now we have all the tooling set up, let's actually manage the cluster! What you'll find in the S3 bucket is a bunch of config for a production k8s cluster apart from one key setting, the number of instances to run as part of the cluster is set to 0. What we're going to do next is edit this config so we have at least one master node and at least one worker node.

kops edit instancegroup master-us-east-1b This command will open up the config file for the master nodes and it should look like this:

apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: InstanceGroup
  creationTimestamp: 2017-08-17T15:15:18Z
  name: master-us-east-1b
  machineType: m3.medium
  maxSize: 0
  minSize: 0
  role: Master
  - us-east-1b

Change maxSize and minSize to 1 then save and exit.

Next we do the same for the worker nodes.

kops edit instancegroup nodes

This command should open up the config file for the worker nodes and it should look like this:

apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: InstanceGroup
  creationTimestamp: 2017-08-17T15:15:19Z
  name: nodes
  machineType: t2.medium
  maxSize: 0
  minSize: 0
  role: Node
  - us-east-1b

Change maxSize and minSize to 2 then save and exit.

Make reality match this config with kops update cluster --yes (omit the --yes to see what changes will be made)

You should be able to see the instances start up in the EC2 console.

KNOWN ISSUE - NEEDS FIXING: second kube2iam is failing to start

When they're up and running, continue below...

Stage 2 - Running Platform on Kubernetes

First check what's running on Kubernetes using kubectl get pods, if there isn't a running pod with a name similar to production-platform-web then we'll need to compile platform and deploy it to k8s.

To do this we'll need to install docker and docker-compose. Then, inside a checkout of, run make dependencies (needs glide) and then:

Docker installation instructions for Ubuntu Docker-compose installation instructions

docker-compose run --rm web-base make clean
docker-compose down
docker network prune --force
docker-compose run --rm web-base make all
make image
make push-image migrate-staging deploy-staging migrate-production deploy-production

To run it (on prem version) :

docker-compose up -f docker-compose.on-prem.yml up

When you see web_1 | [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080, you can test by going to http://localhost:8080.

before exectuting the given reco login, set up your command line with

export PLATFORM_SERVER=http://localhost:8080

TODO: Spin up a temporary database on k8s rather than keep our old production database around since it's one of the most expensive things on our AWS account.

To spin down docker-compose -f docker-compose.on-prem.yml down --remove-orphans

Set up compiler

Login docker to ecr:

aws ecr get-login --no-include-email

Pull the compiler image:

docker image pull

You'll need to have installed vivado 2017.1 on on hosting machine for build to work.

non on prem - Github OAuth

If the Github Organisation still exists we should be fine as our platform is registered as an OAuth Application through that organisation.

TODO: Fill in this guide as if that application did not exist already - Pointers: platform/k8s/production/config.yaml GITHIB_CLIENT_*, platform/docker-compose.yaml

Things that would make this process easier

Let's put a copy of Vivado 2017.1 in S3. Not the installer, just the whole of /opt/Xilinx from an AWS FPGA Dev AMI running Vivado 2017.1, tarred. By doing this we allow anyone running a Centos container to pull in a full install of Vivado, minus licenses. This could be used for e.g. running our full go-to-bitstream compiler workflow on a developer's laptop. We'd also need licenses, those are stored in a license server container that we used to run on jenkins, however we could pull this into any docker-equipped environment.

This would work for anyone including those outside of AWS's estate, but it isn't the fastest route for those inside AWS's estate. For those machines a faster route would be to mount an EBS volume containing vivado into running compiler containers. This can apparently be done through Kubernetes Volumes, however one EBS volume can only be attached to one worker node (instance) at a time.