Hi, I'm a student from France, studying Computer Science and Mathematics at ENS Ulm.
In my personnal projects, I explored diverse topics including Deep Learning and Computer Graphics.
Last summer, I've worked on Deep Learning:
MLP-Digits-Recognition: I started by implementing a Multilayer Perceptron from scratch in Rust, to recognize handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset.
Genetic-Birds-Simulator: I explored Genetic Algorithms with this simple simulation of birds evolution.
Genetic-Snake-AI: I adapted this learning approach to an Artificial Intelligence designed to beat the classic game of Snake.
- I built Elements LaTeX, an Electron-based LaTeX editor.
- You can also check out my biggest project yet, an implementation of Minecraft using my own, handmade, graphics engine.
- I created an animated CFD simulator using the Navier-Stokes equations, you can easily try to run it with
(in French only)
I used diverse programming languages and frameworks, listed below.