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List of software I use

Alexandr Motyrev edited this page Aug 25, 2023 · 6 revisions


  • Google Chrome - is a web browser developed by Google that provides the ability to quickly and easily browse the web.

  • Gedit - is a text editor available for various operating systems that allows you to create and edit text documents.

  • Libre Office - is an open source office suite that provides opportunities for creating and editing text documents, spreadsheets, presentations and other office files.

  • Mono Develop - is a development environment designed to create applications on .NET, Mono and other platforms, providing opportunities for writing code, debugging and testing software.

  • Snap - is a software for installing and managing applications on Linux operating systems, providing a simple and convenient batch management system.

  • Notion - is a powerful tool for organizing work and notes, allowing you to create and structure various types of information, as well as share them with colleagues.

  • Extension Manager - is an extension manager for Gnome that allows you to install and manage additional shell functions.

  • - an online tool for creating diagrams and diagrams that allows you to visualize and organize information in a clear and easily perceived form.

  • Wine - is software that allows you to run applications developed for Windows operating systems on Linux and other UNIX-like systems.

  • Play on Linux - is a graphical interface for installing and managing programs and games designed for Windows operating systems on Linux.

  • Angry IP Scanner - is a program that provides the ability to scan and analyze the network, as well as search for active devices and ports.

  • Github Desktop - is a graphical tool for working with repositories on the GitHub platform, allowing you to manage code, create change requests and interact with other developers.

  • FileZilla - is an FTP and SFTP client program that provides the ability to transfer files between computers and servers via FTP and SFTP protocols.

  • Typora - is a text editor with simplified formatting that allows you to create and edit Markdown files for web development and other purposes.

  • Visual Studio Code - is an integrated development environment that provides opportunities for writing, debugging and testing software in various programming languages.

  • XAMPP - local server How to install


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