SBT plugin for building Scala iOS apps with RoboVM.
Download and extract robovm-1.0.0-alpha-01.tar.gz to one of the following directories:
- ~/.robovm/home/
- ~/Applications/robovm/
- /usr/local/lib/robovm/
- /usr/lib/robovm/
- /opt/robovm/
Add the plugin to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
addSbtPlugin("it.reify" % "sbt-robovm" % "1.0.0-alpha-01-SNAPSHOT")
And append iOSSettings
to your project's settings.
– Runs the App in the iPhone simulator.iOS:iPadSim
– Runs the App in the iPad simulator.iOS:device
– Runs the App on a connected device.iOS:ipa
– Creates an IPA package for distribution on the AppStore.
, Entitlements.plist
, and ResourceRules.plist
go in
. Put all other iOS app resources–such as images and
interface builder files–in src/ios/resources