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Rekkonnect committed May 29, 2023
1 parent 48cc8ac commit 622e02c
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 80 deletions.
184 changes: 104 additions & 80 deletions SqlParser.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Iván Costales Suárez
(C) 2023 Rekkonnect
This file is part of CompactView.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,144 +28,167 @@ namespace CompactView
public class SqlParser
private string[] keywords = { "action", "add", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "authorization", "avg", "backup", "begin", "between", "break", "browse", "bulk", "by", "cascade",
"case", "check", "checkpoint", "close", "clustered", "coalesce", "collate", "column", "commit", "compute", "constraint", "contains", "containstable",
"continue", "convert", "count", "create", "cross", "current", "current_date", "current_time", "current_timestamp", "current_user", "cursor",
"database", "databasepassword", "dateadd", "datediff", "datename", "datepart", "dbcc", "deallocate", "declare", "default", "delete", "deny", "desc",
"disk", "distinct", "distributed", "double", "drop", "dump", "else", "encryption", "end", "errlvl", "escape", "except", "exec", "execute", "exists",
"exit", "expression", "fetch", "file", "fillfactor", "for", "foreign", "freetext", "freetexttable", "from", "full", "function", "goto", "grant",
"group", "having", "holdlock", "identity", "identity_insert", "identitycol", "if", "in", "index", "inner", "insert", "intersect", "into", "is",
"join", "key", "kill", "left", "like", "lineno", "load", "max", "min", "national", "no", "nocheck", "nonclustered", "not", "null", "nullif", "of", "off",
"offsets", "on", "open", "opendatasource", "openquery", "openrowset", "openxml", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "over", "percent", "plan",
"precision", "primary", "print", "proc", "procedure", "public", "raiserror", "read", "readtext", "reconfigure", "references", "replication",
"restore", "restrict", "return", "revoke", "right", "rollback", "rowcount", "rowguidcol", "rule", "save", "schema", "select", "session_user", "set",
"setuser", "shutdown", "some", "statistics", "sum", "system_user", "table", "textsize", "then", "to", "top", "tran", "transaction", "trigger",
"truncate", "tsequal", "union", "unique", "update", "updatetext", "use", "user", "values", "varying", "view", "waitfor", "when", "where", "while",
"with", "writetext" };
private string[] types = { "bigint", "int", "integer", "smallint", "tinyint", "bit", "numeric", "decimal", "dec", "money", "float", "real", "datetime", "national character",
"nchar", "national character varying", "nvarchar", "ntext", "binary", "varbinary", "image", "uniqueidentifier", "timestamp", "rowversion" };
private Regex regexNumbers;
private Regex regexKeywords;
private Regex regexStrings;
private Regex regexKeysQuoted;
private Regex regexKeysBrackets;
private Regex regexPar;
private Regex regexInsertColortbl;
private Regex regexTypes;
private RichTextBox richTextBoxAux = new RichTextBox();
private RichTextBox _RichTextBox;
private static readonly string[] keywords =
"action", "add", "all", "alter", "and", "any", "as", "asc", "authorization", "avg", "backup", "begin", "between", "break", "browse", "bulk", "by", "cascade",
"case", "check", "checkpoint", "close", "clustered", "coalesce", "collate", "column", "commit", "compute", "constraint", "contains", "containstable",
"continue", "convert", "count", "create", "cross", "current", "current_date", "current_time", "current_timestamp", "current_user", "cursor",
"database", "databasepassword", "dateadd", "datediff", "datename", "datepart", "dbcc", "deallocate", "declare", "default", "delete", "deny", "desc",
"disk", "distinct", "distributed", "double", "drop", "dump", "else", "encryption", "end", "errlvl", "escape", "except", "exec", "execute", "exists",
"exit", "expression", "fetch", "file", "fillfactor", "for", "foreign", "freetext", "freetexttable", "from", "full", "function", "goto", "grant",
"group", "having", "holdlock", "identity", "identity_insert", "identitycol", "if", "in", "index", "inner", "insert", "intersect", "into", "is",
"join", "key", "kill", "left", "like", "lineno", "load", "max", "min", "national", "no", "nocheck", "nonclustered", "not", "null", "nullif", "of", "off",
"offsets", "on", "open", "opendatasource", "openquery", "openrowset", "openxml", "option", "or", "order", "outer", "over", "percent", "plan",
"precision", "primary", "print", "proc", "procedure", "public", "raiserror", "read", "readtext", "reconfigure", "references", "replication",
"restore", "restrict", "return", "revoke", "right", "rollback", "rowcount", "rowguidcol", "rule", "save", "schema", "select", "session_user", "set",
"setuser", "shutdown", "some", "statistics", "sum", "system_user", "table", "textsize", "then", "to", "top", "tran", "transaction", "trigger",
"truncate", "tsequal", "union", "unique", "update", "updatetext", "use", "user", "values", "varying", "view", "waitfor", "when", "where", "while",
"with", "writetext",
private static readonly string[] types =
"bigint", "int", "integer", "smallint", "tinyint", "bit", "numeric", "decimal", "dec", "money", "float", "real", "datetime", "national character",
"nchar", "national character varying", "nvarchar", "ntext", "binary", "varbinary", "image", "uniqueidentifier", "timestamp", "rowversion"

private static readonly Regex regexNumbers;
private static readonly Regex regexKeywords;
private static readonly Regex regexStrings;
private static readonly Regex regexKeysQuoted;
private static readonly Regex regexKeysBrackets;
private static readonly Regex regexPar;
private static readonly Regex regexInsertColortbl;
private static readonly Regex regexSingleLineComments;
private static readonly Regex regexMultiLineComments;
private static readonly Regex regexTypes;

private readonly RichTextBox richTextBoxAux = new RichTextBox();
private RichTextBox richTextBox;
private int selectionStart;
private int selectionLength;

public SqlParser()
static SqlParser()
var pattern = new StringBuilder(@"(?<A>\b(");
foreach (string key in keywords)
regexKeywords = new Regex(pattern.ToString(), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var pattern = new StringBuilder(keywords.Length * 8);

foreach (string typ in types)
regexTypes = new Regex(pattern.ToString(), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
regexKeywords = BuildKeywordPattern(pattern, keywords);
regexTypes = BuildKeywordPattern(pattern, types);

regexInsertColortbl = new Regex(@";}}");
regexKeysQuoted = new Regex(@"(?<A>(?<!\\)')(?<B>(\\'|[^'\\])*)(?<C>\\cf[134] )(?<D>[^'\\]*)(?<E>\\cf0 )(?<F>(\\'|[^'])*')", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
regexKeysBrackets = new Regex(@"(?<A>\[)(?<B>(\\'|[^\\])*)(?<C>\\cf[134] )(?<D>[^\\]*)(?<E>\\cf0 )(?<F>[^\[]*\])", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
regexNumbers = new Regex(@"(?<A>\b\d+\b)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
regexStrings = new Regex(@"(?<A>(?<!\\)'(\\'|[^'])*(?<!\\)')", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
regexPar = new Regex(@"\\par\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
string s = Parse(string.Empty); // Initialize Regex;
regexSingleLineComments = new Regex(@"(?<A>--.*)\n?", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
regexMultiLineComments = new Regex(@"(?<A>\/\*.*\*\/)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);

private static Regex BuildKeywordPattern(StringBuilder pattern, string[] keywords)
foreach (string keyword in keywords)
return new Regex(pattern.ToString(), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

public string Parse(string text)
if (_RichTextBox != null && _RichTextBox.Font != richTextBoxAux.Font)
richTextBoxAux.Font = _RichTextBox.Font;
if (richTextBox != null && richTextBox.Font != richTextBoxAux.Font)
richTextBoxAux.Font = richTextBox.Font;
richTextBoxAux.Text = text;
string rtf = richTextBoxAux.SelectedRtf.Replace(@"\rtf1", @"\rtf1{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green128\blue128;}");
string rtf = richTextBoxAux.SelectedRtf.Replace(@"\rtf1", @"\rtf1{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green168\blue32;}");

rtf = regexNumbers.Replace(rtf, @"\cf1 ${A}\cf0 ");
rtf = regexKeywords.Replace(rtf, @"\cf3 ${A}\cf0 ");
rtf = regexTypes.Replace(rtf, @"\cf4 ${A}\cf0 ");
rtf = regexStrings.Replace(rtf, @"\cf2 ${A}\cf0 ");
Parse(regexNumbers, ref rtf, 1);
Parse(regexKeywords, ref rtf, 3);
Parse(regexTypes, ref rtf, 4);
Parse(regexStrings, ref rtf, 2);
while (regexKeysQuoted.IsMatch(rtf))
rtf = regexKeysQuoted.Replace(rtf, "${A}${B}${D}${F}");
while (regexKeysBrackets.IsMatch(rtf))
rtf = regexKeysBrackets.Replace(rtf, "${A}${B}${D}${F}");
Parse(regexSingleLineComments, ref rtf, 5);
Parse(regexMultiLineComments, ref rtf, 5);

return rtf;

private static void Parse(Regex regex, ref string result, int enclosingColorIndex)
result = regex.Replace(result, $@"\cf{enclosingColorIndex} ${{A}}\cf0 ");

public RichTextBox RichTextBox
return _RichTextBox;
return richTextBox;

if (value == _RichTextBox)
if (value == richTextBox)
if (_RichTextBox != null)

if (richTextBox != null)
_RichTextBox.VScroll -= RichTextBox_Event;
_RichTextBox.TextChanged -= RichTextBox_Event;
_RichTextBox.SizeChanged -= RichTextBox_Event;
richTextBox.VScroll -= RichTextBox_Event;
richTextBox.TextChanged -= RichTextBox_Event;
richTextBox.SizeChanged -= RichTextBox_Event;
_RichTextBox = value;
_RichTextBox.VScroll += RichTextBox_Event;
_RichTextBox.TextChanged += RichTextBox_Event;
_RichTextBox.SizeChanged += RichTextBox_Event;
richTextBox = value;
richTextBox.VScroll += RichTextBox_Event;
richTextBox.TextChanged += RichTextBox_Event;
richTextBox.SizeChanged += RichTextBox_Event;

public void Update()
RichTextBox_Event(null, null);
int posIni = richTextBox.GetFirstVisibleCharIndex();
int posEnd = richTextBox.GetLastVisibleCharIndex();
ParseRichTextBox(posIni, posEnd);

private bool exit = false;
private bool parsing = false;

public void ParseRichTextBox(int posIniChar, int posEndChar)
if (exit)
if (parsing)
exit = true;
parsing = true;

int firstVisibleLineBefore = _RichTextBox.GetFirstVisibleLine();
int hScroll = _RichTextBox.GetHScroll();
selectionLength = _RichTextBox.SelectionLength;
selectionStart = _RichTextBox.SelectionStart;
int firstVisibleLineBefore = richTextBox.GetFirstVisibleLine();
int hScroll = richTextBox.GetHScroll();
selectionLength = richTextBox.SelectionLength;
selectionStart = richTextBox.SelectionStart;

_RichTextBox.Select(posIniChar, posEndChar - posIniChar + 1);
_RichTextBox.SelectedRtf = Parse(_RichTextBox.SelectedText);
richTextBox.Select(posIniChar, posEndChar - posIniChar + 1);
richTextBox.SelectedRtf = Parse(richTextBox.SelectedText);

_RichTextBox.Select(selectionStart, selectionLength);
int firstVisibleLineAfter = _RichTextBox.GetFirstVisibleLine();
_RichTextBox.ScrollLines(firstVisibleLineBefore - firstVisibleLineAfter);
richTextBox.Select(selectionStart, selectionLength);
int firstVisibleLineAfter = richTextBox.GetFirstVisibleLine();
richTextBox.ScrollLines(firstVisibleLineBefore - firstVisibleLineAfter);


exit = false;
parsing = false;

private void RichTextBox_Event(object sender, EventArgs e)
int posIni = _RichTextBox.GetFirstVisibleCharIndex();
int posEnd = _RichTextBox.GetLastVisibleCharIndex();
ParseRichTextBox(posIni, posEnd);

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