This repository contains the code for two modals to be used as quick actions in Salesforce:
- Point Injection: allows to inject points on a loyalty card for the contact/customer which belongs to a store.
- Ticket Injection: allows to inject a sale ticket for the contact/customer in a given store.
Both screens respect standards practices of the Aura framework for Lightning Components (responsive design, composed of several modules...). Both screens can be fulfilled whith the keyboard and no clicks (even the lookup for the stores). They are documented in the instance's library:
- Follow this link for Sandboxes
- Follow this link for Production environments, Developer Editions and Trailhead Playgrounds
To insert a dataset of store to search for in the screens, execute the following command:
sfdx force:data:tree:import --sobjecttreefiles dataset/Store__c.json --targetusername <your org's alias or username>
or manually create 'Store' records.