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Aware IM Server v9.0 Stack

Application Server, Database Servers, Components, Frameworks, Dependencies, Microservices and other resources

Aware IM is a rapid low-code application development tool that lets you create powerful aesthetically appealing web applications quickly.


✔️ v9.0 build 3280 - 23 September, 2024.

  • New Features and improvements in version 9.0
    • 3279 - Using standard CSV export now creates unique file names, so there is no conflict when people export at the same time
    • 3279 - New options for EXPORT action - do not export a line with column descriptions, do not export attribute format and use labels in the column descriptions
    • 3279 - Ability to specify selection mechanism for custom queries
    • 3273 - 'load on demand' in grouped queries supports sorting and paging properly
    • 3273 - Performance improvements for big complicated forms with many presentation rules
    • 3273 - Improvements to Scroll View in custom queries
      • new UI
      • allow displaying several items per page
      • preview fixes
      • example in CRM
    • 3273 - Support for client credentials flow in OAuth
    • 3273 - “name field for binary REST part
    • 3271 - 'load on demand' for grouped queries supports filtering and paging
    • 3265 - [DISPLAY]/[PICK FROM] … [USING QueryName]
    • 3263 - Multi-checkbox filter for standard queries
    • 3260 - PARSE_JSON2 function - Returns the value of the specified attribute in the same node
    • 3260 - Ability to direct actions in the template builder of a custom query to a <DIV>
    • 3259 - Ability to save all REST communication details in a log (business object)
    • 3257 - Loading content on demand for grouped queries - very useful for larger sets of data
    • 3254 - Grouping now calculates summaries correctly even for big data sets
    • 3254 - Support for group direction
    • 3254 - Support for displaying group summaries in the group header column
    • 3254 - Query preview is now supported for queries with grouping
    • 3254 - Support for aggregates for all group levels
    • 3254 - Ability to initially collapse any group
    • 3254 - Ability to hide aggregates in column headers when a group is expanded
    • 3254 - Auto refresh didn't work when calendar events were moved or resized
    • 3254 - Left menu toggle command didn't work correctly when the top menu ran across the entire screen
    • 3249 - New library for rendering HTML inside a PDF
    • 3249 - Scaling image option for tags representing images in the Report Designer
    • 3249 - Changing size and orientation of the report is now visually supported.
    • 3246 - Date, time and duration widgets support mobile rendering
    • 3246 - Multi-selection calendar widget - Demo
    • 3246 - CREATE FOR EACH DATE IN … - Forum Post
    • 3243 - Custom row filter now supports attributes with dynamic choices
    • 3243 - Placeholders for Line Icons PRO font
    • 3241 - Support for alignment in tiles
    • 3241 - Minor improvements of dialogs on a Mac
    • 3241 - It should now be possible to explicitly indicate if a visual perspective can be used as a URL parameter
    • 3237 - Tile dialog has better layout and supports Preview
    • 3237 - Tree queries support paging (multi-column only)
    • 3237 - Custom queries support paging options
    • 3232 - 9.0 New Release - 28 Jan 2024.

Application Server

Apache Tomcat

Caution: Installing Aware IM update (Setup.exe), overwrites and resets Tomcat & JDK folders back to default. In fact, all files are replaced during update. Always keep all new and amended files incl. images separately and copy+paste them back once the install is complete.

  • Tomcat 9.0.44 32bit is the default version packaged in the Aware IM 8.6 and above server installation.
  • Tomcat 8.5.58 32bit is the default version packaged in the Aware IM 8.5 server installation.
  • Tomcat 8.5.24 32bit is the default version packaged in the Aware IM 8.4 and below server installation.

⚠️ Tomcat 10.1.34 - 5 Dec, 2024. Tomcat 10 is designed to run on Java SE 11 or later

⚠️Tomcat output:
SEVERE: Servlet [action] in web application [/AwareIM] threw load() exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

✔️ Tomcat 9.0.98 - 5 Dec, 2024. Tomcat 9 is designed to run on Java SE 8 or later

  • Download Tomcat v9

  • Installation

    Microsoft Windows Based Systems
    • IMPORTANT: Ensure any prior modification of existing web.xml and server.xml configurations are not overwritten with the new version. There are configuration changes in the latest version of Tomcat relating to those two files.
    • Installation Steps - Windows
      • Stop the Aware IM server before updating Tomcat. Do not delete your current C:\AwareIM\Tomcat folder.
        1. Extract the archive and open the folder.
        1. Open the extracted Tomcat folder.
        1. Select all files and folders and press Crl+c to copy
        1. Open you AwareIM v9.0 installation Tomcat folder C:\AwareIM\Tomcat
        1. Press Ctrl+v to paste and replace all files and folders.
        1. Rename or delete ROOT folder - This is optional. You can use this folder to store your own favicon.ico, error pages and other HTML/CSS/JS home page files.

Java JDK

Java Servlets

  • ✔️ Jakarta Mail 1.6.7 - April 8, 2021 Final Release. (formerly JavaMail)

    • Download jakarta.mail-1.6.7.jar
      • Installation
        • In Aware IM v8.3 and above, rename jakarta.mail-x.x.x.jar to mail.jar and replace the one in C:\AwareIM\lib
        • In Aware IM v8.2 and below, rename jakarta.mail-x.x.x.jar to mail.jar and replace the one in C:\AwareIM\Tomcat\lib
        • Restart Aware IM server
    • 📉 JavaMail 1.6.2 - August 30, 2018 Final Release. (superseded by JakartaMail)
  • Apache ActiveMQ™ - The most popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns server. Apache ActiveMQ is an open source message broker written in Java together with a full Java Message Service (JMS) client.

    📉 ActiveMQ 5.8.0 (06/02/2013) packaged with Aware IM.

    • 📉 Latest version of ActiveMQ that works with out-of-box installation of Aware IM is 5.12.1 (13 Oct 2015).
    • Releases:
      • ⚠️ 6.1.3 Release - 8 August, 2024. Java 17+ required.
      • ⚠️ 5.18.5 Release - 24 August, 2024. Java 11+ required.
      • ⚠️ 5.17.6 Release - 25 October, 2023. Java 11+ required.
      • ⚠️ 5.12.2+ Problem - Inconsistent vector internals Aware IM error.
        • ERROR:
          • org.openadaptor.adaptor.jms.JMSListener - onMessage: JMSException: [javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to build body from bytes. Reason: Inconsistent vector internals [ Inconsistent vector internals]]
        • Changelog
          • This release enables ActiveMQ client TLS hostname validation by default which can cause a client connection failure for server certificates that do not match the server hostname. Please refer to SSL Transport Reference for configuration and AMQ-7047 for more information.
          • Java 8 Required - The minimum Java version has been upgraded to Java 8.
          • This release affects applications using ObjectMessages.
      • ✔️ 5.12.1 Release
        • Installation
          • In v8.3 and above, extract, rename activemq-all-x.xx.x.jar to activemq-all-5.8.0.jar and replace the one in C:\AwareIM\lib
      • 📉 5.8.0 Release - Default version packaged with the server installation.
  • Java Service Wrapper - - 32bit v3.5.56 64-bit Windows versions of the Java Service Wrapper are not currently being made available in the Community Edition.

  • Apache Axis2/Java - Apache Axis2 Web Services JSON / SOAP / WSDL engine.

Database Servers

Database Connectors

Web Application Framework

Front-end open source toolkit


Out-of-the-box Features

  • Integration with Stripe Multi-Payment - Stripe is a very well-known payment platform and it supports multi-party payments.

  • Electronic Signature Capture - For Aware IM 5.9 - 9.x

    • Signature Pad - Implement and store electronic signatures out-of-the-box with Aware IM. HTML5 canvas based and works in all modern desktop and mobile browsers.
    • DEMO - Github
    • ✔️ Signature Pad v1.5.3 - Tested and working in all versions 5.9 - 9.x
    • Installation:
      • Replace ../AwareIM/signature/signature_pad.js with the new version.
    • Options - Edit signature_pad.js found in C:\AwareIM\Tomcat\webapps\AwareIM\signature
      • dotSize - (float or function) Radius of a single dot.
      • minWidth - (float) Minimum width of a line. Defaults to 0.5.
      • maxWidth - (float) Maximum width of a line. Defaults to 2.5.
      • backgroundColor - (string) Color used to clear the background. Can be any color format accepted by context.fillStyle. Defaults to rgba(0,0,0,0) (transparent black).
        • I prefer a white background rgb(255,255,255) for the signatures since there are issues with transparent images in the Report Designer and PDF document export.
      • penColor - (string) Color used to draw the lines. Can be any color format accepted by context.fillStyle. Defaults to "black".
      • velocityFilterWeight - (float) Weight used to modify new velocity based on the previous velocity. Defaults to 0.7.
      • onBegin - (function) Callback when stroke begin.
      • onEnd - (function) Callback when stroke end.
    • Video Tutorial (approx. 3min) - from 00:38min

Interoperability: Integrations, custom components, connected apps and plugins

Developers can integrate any application with Aware IM by writing a plugin, as long as the application offers an API.

  • ✔️ wkhtmltopdf - wkhtmltopdf is a command line tool to render HTML into PDF using the QT Webkit rendering engine. These run entirely "headless" and do not require a display or display service.

    • Requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022
    • Download wkhtmltopdf:
      • Download wkhtmltopdf Windows (MSVC) - v0.12.6 released on June 11, 2020 for Windows, Linux and OS X.
        • v0.12.6 Final Tested and working in Aware IM 6.0+. Released June 11, 2020. Archived.
    • Install wkhtmltopdf
      • Windows OS
        • Extract *.exe file to a folder (you can use 7-Zip), copy+paste wkhtmltopdf folder to c:/AwareIM/
    • Aware IM Process Rules
      • Step 1 - Export Aware IM HTML Document to a HTML file
        • EXPORT DOCUMENT 'Your HTML Document' TO FILE 'C:/YourFileLocation/<<myBO.Name>>_No<<myBO.ID>>.html'
      • Step 2 - Convert exported HTML file to PDF
        • EXECUTE PROGRAM 'C:\AwareIM\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe file:///C:/YourFileLocation/<<myBO.Name>>_No<<myBO.ID>>.html C:/YourFileLocation/<<myBO.Name>>_No<<myBO.ID>>.pdf'
      • Step 3 - Import PDF document to your myBO.DocumentPDF attribute
        • IMPORT DOCUMENT myBO.DocumentPDF FROM 'C:/YourFileLocation/<<myBO.Name>>_No<<myBO.ID>>.pdf'
      • Optional - Delete exported HTML file
        • DELETE FILE 'C:/YourFileLocation/<<myBO.Name>>_No<<myBO.ID>>.html'
    • Some alternatives to wkhtmltopdf:
  • Business Intelligence, Report Writer/Server