Albacore is a professional quality suite of Rake tasks for building .NET or Mono based systems. It's like MSBuild or NAnt without all the stabby-bracket XML hell! The tasks are built using a test-first approach and all tests are included in the gem. If you're new to Ruby/Rake read the quick start. Or, browse the detailed instructions for each task in our wiki.
Details about goals and releases can be found at and by following @albacorebuild.
Add this line to the Gemfile where you maintain the dependencies for your build:
gem 'albacore'
And then execute
> bundle
Or install it yourself:
> gem install albacore
Require the Albacore gem at the top of your rakefile and start using the custom tasks. Consult the quick start or the detailed task instructions for more information on how to use Albacore tasks in your Rake build.
require 'albacore'
Albacore has been tested against the following versions of Ruby for Windows and Linux. Use unsupported versions at your own risk!
- MRI:
- JRuby: