This simulator helps you to visualy see how clustering algorithms such as K-Means
, X-Means
and K-Medoids
You can see each iteration of algorithms when their runnig or step by step iterate over steps of algorithms.
Feel free to choose one of TODOs and implemented or solve a issue and then create a pull request.
- Adding menu UI and some more user friendly UI components
- Refactoring the code:
- Separate to the files
- Removing redunent codes and logics
- Implementing X-Means
- Implementing K-Mediods
- Adding modes for runnig KMeans:
- step-by-step with forward/backward actions
- just-final-result
- animational with control over time and pause and play actions
- Implementing choosing Centroids manually for test purposes in K-Means and K-Medoids
Please give a ⭐ , thanks alot