Great Tools every pentester and hacker should use them , i would like to share with you most tools i'm using for 2019
###Information Gathering
- Shodan
- Whois
- OSINT Framwork
- netcraft
- churchbase
- Meltago
- recon-ng
- Google Dork
- Wappylyzer Firefox Plugin
- Built-With Firefox Plugin
- Meltagofil
- Infoga
- Whatweb
- Sublist3r
- Amass
- Knockpy
- PyExploit i used it for my Recon with passive and active modules my tool
- Social-mapper
###Scanning and Enumeration
###Vulnerabilty and Explotation
- Nmap
- Metasploit
- RouterSploit
- OpenVas
- Nessus
- WebArchani
- WPScan
- WPexploit
- PHP exploit
- Beff
- Getsploit
- SearchExploit
- LFISuit
- SSRF-Detector
- Joomscan
- Sqlmap
- Burp Suit
- Nikto
- Uniscan
- W3af
- Commix
- Fuxploider
- XSSstrike
- Owsap ZAP
- SqlNinja
###Password Attaking
- John the Ripper
- Hydra-THC
- Cain & Able
- Rainbow Tables
- Zip-Cracker Mine
- Hashidentifire
- Hashcat
- Curnch
- Cupp
- Aircrack-ng
- Wifite2
- wifiphisher
- weeman