This uses a Modified Scheme from Original Amaterasu, see /data/_DefaultScheme.json
Modifies the Slider Bar so the box can go 50% outside the area Also adds more precise controls to the Slide Bar using A/D or left/right Keys
Adds Scroll bar to multicheckbox, can change color based off the key "scrollbar" inside the schemes so
Scheme Example:
"MultiCheckBox": {
...Other stuff
"scrollbar" : {
"color": [0, 0, 0, 80],
"roundness": 5
Adds Size Change and offset to Checkboxes "Check"
Scheme Example:
"Checkbox": {
...Other stuff
"check": {
"enabled": "§l✓",
"disabled": "",
"size": 0.8,
"xOffset": 3,
"yOffset": 0
Adds Redirect Visual Indicator Note: The duration and delay are applied to both animations.
Scheme Example:
"Amaterasu": {
...Other Stuff
"redirect" : {
"color": [255, 255, 255, 51],
"animationFadeIn" : "IN_SIN",
"animationFadeOut": "OUT_SIN",
"duration": 0.1,
"delay": 0.2
Fixes setConfigValue to work with multicheckboxes:
[settigns].setConfigValue(category, configname, value, multicheckbox)
multicheckbox being the config name of the checkbox
This project includes components licensed under the Amaterasu Software License.