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A Metric for Differential Chromatic Refraction in the Context of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time

Weixiang Yu (Drexel University), Gordon T. Richards (Drexel University), Peter Yoachim (University of Washington), Christina Peters (University of Delaware)

10 December 2020

We provide a code repository for computing a metric to investigate how measurements of differential chromatic refraction might influence choices for survey strategy in the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

Reproducing the result

  1. Get an account on SciServer -> Here
  2. Sent an email to us (Weixiang Yu or Gordon T. Richards) to request access to the simulation volume.
  3. Setup up a container to run LSST simulation package following the instructions provided here.
  4. Pull the current repo into your persistent space and run the notebooks (in the notebooks folder) following the given order (00->01->02).

LSST SCOC cadence note:

Additional work (code, notebooks, etc.) associated with "LSST AGN SC Cadence Note: Differential Chromatic Refraction" are included in the cadence-notes branch.