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Smoothing Splines and Lagrangian Parameter Optimization (Fortran & Python)

This software generates smoothing splines using different algorithms :

  1. By giving an arbitrary smoothing paramter p
  2. By caping the global error S tolerated which permits to deduce the optimal smoothing paramter p
  3. By giving the spline's degree of freedom which permits to deduce the optimal smoothing paramter p

These differents methods are perfectly explained in the following paper (written in french) : Smoothing Splines well explained by Professor François Boulier - Chapter 3

How tu use it

The entire software is structurized with a Python skeleton code calling Fortran subroutines using f2py3.


  1. Compilation with "make"

Code editing

  1. Set variables pays with any country you want. /!\ Data associated to the chosen country must be into the data file fish.csv /!\
  2. Set any degree of freedom you want, or "max" if the smoothing spline must go through each data point.


  1. Check that numpy and matplotlib are well installed in your machine.


  1. Launch with python3

Files Description

Fortran Subroutines :

  • cholesky.f : Cholesky Decomposition Algorithm, generates a Lower Triangular Matrix
  • df.f : Degrees of freedom computing for all p in [a,b]
  • init_HG.f : H and G matrices initialization
  • init_Q.f : Q matrix initialization
  • init_T.f : T matrix initialization
  • newton_f.f : Computing p with a global error S chosen using Newton-Raphson Algorithm
  • outils.f : Various tools used for a,b,c, and calculation or an algorithm inversing a SPD matrix
  • splines.f : Splines generation

Python Code :

  • : Software's skeleton calling fortran subroutines and ploting generated splines

Data :

  • example*.txt : Toy examples
  • fish.csv : Fisheries production per country between 1960 and Now

Other :

  • Images Folder : Contains various images produced by the software on different data sets
  • Makefile : Compiles Fortran subroutines referenced at line 10
  • Rapport.pdf : The report explaining the different algorithms used in the sofwatre (written in french)


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