This software generates smoothing splines using different algorithms :
- By giving an arbitrary smoothing paramter p
- By caping the global error S tolerated which permits to deduce the optimal smoothing paramter p
- By giving the spline's degree of freedom which permits to deduce the optimal smoothing paramter p
These differents methods are perfectly explained in the following paper (written in french) : Smoothing Splines well explained by Professor François Boulier - Chapter 3
The entire software is structurized with a Python skeleton code calling Fortran subroutines using f2py3.
- Compilation with "make"
- Set variables pays with any country you want. /!\ Data associated to the chosen country must be into the data file fish.csv /!\
- Set any degree of freedom you want, or "max" if the smoothing spline must go through each data point.
- Check that numpy and matplotlib are well installed in your machine.
- Launch with python3
- cholesky.f : Cholesky Decomposition Algorithm, generates a Lower Triangular Matrix
- df.f : Degrees of freedom computing for all p in [a,b]
- init_HG.f : H and G matrices initialization
- init_Q.f : Q matrix initialization
- init_T.f : T matrix initialization
- newton_f.f : Computing p with a global error S chosen using Newton-Raphson Algorithm
- outils.f : Various tools used for a,b,c, and calculation or an algorithm inversing a SPD matrix
- splines.f : Splines generation
- : Software's skeleton calling fortran subroutines and ploting generated splines
- example*.txt : Toy examples
- fish.csv : Fisheries production per country between 1960 and Now
- Images Folder : Contains various images produced by the software on different data sets
- Makefile : Compiles Fortran subroutines referenced at line 10
- Rapport.pdf : The report explaining the different algorithms used in the sofwatre (written in french)