Here I have made the cache using Golang which have unique feature included as Timestamp(expiration time stamp), Load Metrics
2.load metrics
3 HitCount int -> represents number of cache hits , it is increamented eachtime as existing entry is found in cache
4 TotalCount int -> It represents the total number of requests made to the cache, including both hits and misses.
5 MissCount int -> TotalCount - HitCount
6 Expiration :
expiration := 2 * time.Second //Set expiration time to 2 seconds **cache := NewCache()
for _, word := range []string{"parrot", "avocardo", "tree", "potato", "tree"} {
cache.Check(word, expiration)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) //Sleep for 3 seconds to allow some entries to expire
cache.RemoveExpired() //Remove expired entries from the cache**
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd cache-project
Install dependencies
go mod init
Start the server
go run main.go
Go lang, Concept Of Computer Science Fundamentals
1.Timestamp: Each node in the cache has a timestamp indicating when it was added or last accessed. This allows the cache to keep track of the age of each entry and determine when entries have expired.
2.Load Metrics: The cache keeps track of various metrics related to its usage. It maintains a count of cache hits (the number of times an existing entry is found in the cache), cache misses (the number of times a requested entry is not found in the cache), and the total count (the total number of requests made to the cache, including both hits and misses). These metrics provide insights into the cache performance.
3.Expiration: When a new entry is added to the cache, it is assigned a timestamp with an expiration time. Entries that exceed their expiration time are considered expired and can be removed from the cache.
These features enhance the functionality and performance of the cache by allowing it to automatically remove expired entries, track cache usage, and provide hit/miss rates for performance analysis.