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  1. auto-encoder + anomaly detection
  2. Ensemble
  3. Use domain knowledage
  4. Long tail classification
  5. metric learning
  6. self labeling
  7. Self-supervise learning
  8. Early Stop


  1. construct a binary classifier for (1) 11 & 13 classes and (2) others (V)
  2. construct a binary classifier for 11 and 13 classes (V)
  3. train the rest of the classes


Test run 1 (finish the metal project)

  1. CNNClassifier1113_trial_6 :::info resnet152 epoch 10 82.10 % 204.86 sec ::::

    CNNClassifier1113_trial_7 :::info resnet152 epoch 15 87.04 % 314.89 sec ::::

    CNNClassifier1113_trial_8 :::info resnet152 epoch 15 optim Adam 80.86 % 312.98 sec

    CNNClassifier1113_trial_9 :::info resnet152 epoch 20 87.96 % 415.64 ::::

7/10 (Company postone this task.)

2. construct a binary classifier for 11 and 13 classes

  1. CNNClassifier1113_trial_1 :::info 1 epoch resnet18 optim SGD StepLR 89.51 % (low minor class accuracy) 20.16 sec :::

    CNNClassifier1113_trial_2 :::info 8 epoch resnet18 optim SGD StepLR 80.56 % 141.13 sec :::

    CNNClassifier1113_trial_4 :::info 8 epoch resnet18 optim SGD ReduceLROnPlateau 79.01 % :::

1. construct a binary classifier for (1) 11 & 13 classes (2) others

  1. CNNClassifier_trial_17 (V) :::info 8 epoch resnet18 optim SGD StepLR 97.53 % 952.68 sec :::

  2. using freeze-unfreeze (this method does not work very well in small model)

    CNNClassifier_trial_18 freeze :::info 5 epoch resnet18 optim SGD StepLR 92.44 % 597.40 sec :::

    CNNClassifier_trial_19 unfreeze :::info 8 epoch resnet18 optim SGD StepLR 97.45 % 949.98 sec :::


1. binary classifier

ratio of 11 & 13 vs other: 1:4 -> ~80 % baseline

  1. Use kmean on feature maps, to seperate 11 & 13 from other. :::info 74.94 % :::

  2. using CNN model

    CNNClassifier_trial_3 :::info 1 epoch resnet18 85.51 % 120.92 sec :::

    CNNClassifier_trial_4 :::info 4 epoch resnet18 93.03 % 471.69 sec :::

  3. Using weightloss

    CNNClassifier_trial_6 :::info 1 epoch resnet18 91.66 % 119.36 sec :::

    CNNClassifier_trial_10 :::info 2 epoch resnet152 85.12 % 741.58 sec

    CNNClassifier_trial_12 :::info 5 epoch resnet18 optim SGD 96.00 % 593.48 sec :::


add in model.train() and model.eval() in the


Test run 3

use trial 68 as freeze

trial 69
epoch 20
91.34 %
2621.9 sec

Test run 2

re-tain trial 64 (73.56 %) with fine-tuning

trial 68
epoch 6
--lr_name 'StepLR' --optim Adam
73.87 %

Test run 1

re-train trial 65 (88.84 %) with fine-tuning trial 66 :::info epoch 6 --lr_name 'StepLR' --optim SGD 89.15 % 787.5 sec :::

trial 67
epoch 6
--lr_name 'StepLR' --optim Adam
89.89 %
790.0 sec


Test run 2

  • using the cluster label

  • file oneDfea_combine_True is class 11 and 13 merge feature maps

  • file oneDfea_lab_combine_True.txt is corresponded image names

  • file oneDfea_newlab_1113merge is class 11 and 13 merge cluster new labels

  • file oneDfea_imgname_1113merge.txt is corresponded image names

  • file oneDfea_train_label36 is the continuous labels

    trial 64 freeze :::info epoch 10 73.56 % 1189.4 sec :::

    trial 65 unfreeze :::info epoch 15 88.84 % 1949.2 sec :::

Test run 1

  • train freeze model (trial 56) more

    trial 59 freeze :::info epoch 5 76.18 % overfiting at the last epoch :::

    trial 60 freeze :::info StepLR epoch 5 76.18 % ::: train more have minor enhance

trial 58 check

cluster image will improve the performace


  • It is not an good idea using fc in the middle of auto-encoder (auto_encoder_trial_15)
  • Changing the feature number in default auto-encoder model (trial 16 5 epochs)
    • check the loss threshold of class 10 (cannot get with this model)
  • Refine model: add batch normalization (trial 17)
  • TODO: Postone for now

Test run 1

  • let class 11 and 13 to be the same class.

    • use class label with range (0~13), original 11 & 13 merge to class 11.
    • class 14 change to class 13
  • Discard cluster class

    • model output change
    • dataset label change
    • val loop change

    trial 56 freeze :::info epoch 10 75.01 % 1177.3 sec :::

    trial 57 unfreeze :::info epoch 15 89.31 % 1939.0 sec :::

    trial 58 re-train trial 57 :::info StepLR, SGD 5 epoch 89.54 % :::


label 13 class is the worst in trial 47 try to add cluster method to label13 -> guess not, cluster seperation is very bad.

Test run 1


  1. Default auto-encoder model (v)


Test run 2

  1. Use se_resnext101_32x4d model trial 45 :::info epoch 1 59.42 % 690.6 sec :::

  2. Using freeze-unfreeze trial 46 freeze :::info epoch 10 69.68 % 1182.7 sec epoch 7 of val loss shows the sign of overfitting :::

    trial 47 unfreeze :::info epoch 15 90.21 % 1968.7 sec while lr 0.0001 performance increase :::

    trial 48 unfreeze and re-train trial 47 with small lr and using SGD optim :::info epoch 5 90.80 % 659.4 sec :::

    trial 49 unfreeze and re-train trial 47 with small lr (StepLR, step_size=2, gamma=0.1) and using SGD optim :::info epoch 5 90.80 % 651.5 sec :::

----------- Correct Accuracy Updated until Here-----------

Test run 1

  1. use the SGD+momentum re-run trial 43 trial 43 :::info epoch 5 82.8 % 635.6 sec the overfitting sign gone :::
  2. use the SGD+momentum re-run trial 43 trial 44 :::info epoch 10 81.32 % no improvement :::


Test run 3

!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!! YOU have not use AUG in train set (V)

trial 42
epoch 15, lr fixed
60 %
1770.4 sec

trial 43 (file get washed @@)
epoch 20
82.6 %
sign of overfitting around epoch 13

Test run 2.

Using freeze-unfreeze method

trial 39
epoch 15
66.27 %
1670.6 sec

trial 40
unfreeze and ReduceLROnPlateau with patience=4
epoch 20
81.0 %
2508.8 sec
sign of overfitting

Test run 1

  • cluster2target fixed
    • val loss bug fixed

SGD -> Adam, default parameters trial 37 :::info epoch 5 67.02 % 406.9 sec :::

trial 38
epoch 15
75 %
1897.9 sec
at epoch 6, sign of overfitting


Find the best number of clusters (V)

k_numbers = [3,3,2,4,4,4,2,2,3,2,0,4,0,0,0]

Modify (V)

Modify (V)

Test run 1 (trial 28)

  1. 37 subclasses :::info 3 epochs 26.87 % :::

Test run 2 (trial 29 & trial 30)

  1. SGD -> Adam, default parameters :::info 3 epochs 27.50 % ::: :::info 15 epochs train loss is underfitting val loss is overfitting sth is wrong @@ check the label!! :::


Create own cluster dataset

  1. features from trial 23
    1. Feature separation is not good.
    2. kmean does not seperate the class well.
  2. features from imagenet (V)
    1. well seperate!
    2. kmean can have good seperations
  • oneDfea_train_metal_trained_False is feature maps
  • oneDfea_lab_train_metal_trained_False their corresponded labels


Test run 1 (trial 25)

model_name change to se_resnet152 for default batch_size 16 as default

  1. Using the cluster dataset
    1. Directly use the 66 subclass :::info --epoch 10 -model_name 'se_resnet152' --batch_size 16 50.08 % :::


Test run 1 (trial 22 & 23)

  1. Using class distribution train/val/test set

  2. Pretrain trial: Freeze :::info --epoch 15 --model_name 'se_resnet152' --batch_size 16 64.1 % 1645.0 sec :::

    Unfreeze :::info --epoch 20 --model_name 'se_resnet152' --batch_size 16 81.36 % 3100.4 sec :::


Test run 1 (trial 18 & 19<-file get messup @@)

  1. Pretrainmodel parameter freeze
    1. freeze pretrain model parameter, using default lr :::info trial 18: lr = 0.01 --epoch 10 --model_name 'se_resnet152' --batch_size 16 59.07 % 1120.5 sec :::

    2. Loading the previous model path, then unfreeze the model, and change the lr to smaller one. :::info trial 19: lr = 0.005 --epoch 10 --model_name 'se_resnet152' --batch_size 16 87.5 % 1258.5 sec :::


Test run 1 (trial 17)

  1. CrossEntropy -> WeightFocalLoss :::info 'se_resnet50' batch_size 32 epoch 12 30.1 % :::


Test run 1 (file missing)

  1. StepLR(step_size=3, gamma=0.1)
  2. model_name 'se_resnet50' :::info batch_size 32 epoch 12 72.2 % 1374.3 sec :::

Test run 2 (trial 13)

  1. StepLR -> ReduceLROnPlateau
  2. solving batch_size issue
  3. model_name 'efficientnet-b7' :::info batch_size = 5 epoch 1 12.14 % 246.9 sec :::

Test run 3 (trial 15)

  1. StepLR -> ReduceLROnPlateau
  2. solving batch_size issue
  3. model_name 'se_resnet152' :::info batch_size = 16 epoch 10 77.67 % 1276.7 sec :::


Hyparameter Tuning

Note that below is add up modifications

Test run 1

  1. optimizer: add momentum=0.9, nesterov=True :::info 1 epoch: 45.4 % :::

Test run 2

  1. learning rate: LambdaLR -> StepLR(step_size=1, gamma=0.1)
  2. optimizer: add weight_decay=0.01 :::info Trial 7 1 epoch: 42.1 % 2 epoch: 47.4 % 3011.4 sec :::

Speed problem fixing

  1. rewrite dataset
  2. num_workers
  3. pin_memory :::info 1/8 time saved ::::

Test run 3

  1. learning rate: LambdaLR -> StepLR(step_size=1, gamma=0.1)
  2. optimizer: add weight_decay=0.01 :::info Trial 7 20 epoch: 48 % 2375.6 sec :::


In T2H folder image: T1H_Q1558-1090326175042092.jpg T1H_Q1558-1090326175049966.jpg T1H_Q1558-1090326175101066.jpg

I move them to T1H folder. :::info accuracy baseline: 56.7% (trial_3) :::

file is saved as trial_3


Recycle Metal Classification






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