A very simple Excel .xlsx file editor writed in pure GDScript.
Created for task on work - writing data (only values/formulas) in cells. I think it's needs to be public - maybe some unfortunate souls can make use of it)
Code using a bit changed GodotXML addon by elenakrittik and structurally following Godot Excel Reader addon by LaoDie1.
Most of additinal code is actual edit cell values/formulas and saving xlsx files.
- Reading/editing cells inside sheets.
- Save edited data into xlsx file (opend original or copy)
- Opening and editing xls files. - Data stracture inside them are very, very different. Maybe sometime I write support for BIFF, but likely not.
- Creating something bigger then cell - Sheets, styles and file itself.
- Calculating formula result in cell
- Really checking file validness - no crash happening while trying to open xls file, non-xlsx file or corrupted xlsx. Needed data for read/edit are checked on opening.
- Replaced XML reader code - original one only reads data from XML files inside xlsx. GodotXML allows edit data.
- Seeking and collecting funcs - as seek_first_child_by_name() and get_childs_by_name().
- XMLDocument keeps XML header for later document save - (silly one - also trying to know in which UTF-type document should be saved)
- Fixed: dump_str without pretty parameter makes XML file unredable by browser or Excel because of skipped spaces between attributes.
ExcelSheet.set_cell() doesn't know about merged cells.
Returns true, if file is valid for ZIPReader and contains these three XML files:
- xl/workbook.xml
- xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels
- xl/sharedStrings.xml
var excel_file : ExcelFile = ExcelFile.open_file(file_path) # Returns null if failed to open file.
var excel_file : ExcelFile = ExcelFile.new()
excel_file.open(file_path) # returns OK on sucess
var sheets_list : Array[ExcelSheet] = excel_file.get_sheets()
if sheets_list.size() == 0: return
var sheet : ExcelSheet = sheets_list[0] # Sucessfuly opend file contains at least ONE sheet.
var sheet : ExcelSheet = excel_file._workbook.get_sheet_by_name(needed_name) # returns null if sheet not exist
TODO: Make ExcelWorkbook funcs get_sheet_name_list() and get_sheet_by_name() avalible from ExcelFile
ExcelSheet.get_table(return_formula_results : bool = true) -> Dictionary
As in Godot Excel Reader, you can recive cells contents with valid values:
var table : Dictionary = sheet.get_table()
Table structure are the same: it's a dictionaries with used rows indexes as keys what contains other dictionaries with cell values by column indexes keys.
Only used cells (aka with value/formula) are inside these dictionaries.
Usual use might look like this:
var table : Dictionary = sheet.get_table()
for row in table.keys():
for column in table[row].keys():
var cell_value : Variant = table[row][column]
# Doing something with cell value
Contents inside cells can be vary - mostly storing int, float or String value types.
Also you can get "raw" dictionaries - with exposed formulas. Just set flag return_formula_results to false:
var table_with_formulas : Dictionary = sheet.get_table(false)
Values are still returned if cells doesn't have formula.
ExcelSheet.get_cell_value(excel_pos : String) -> Variant
Gets cell value by usual Excel cell adress (aka "A1", "C5", "F3" and etc).
var cell_value : Variant = sheet.get_cell_value("A1")
Returns empty string if nothing writed inside cell.
ExcelSheet.get_cell_formula(excel_pos : String) -> String.
Gets cell formula by usual Excel cell adress.
var cell_formula : String = sheet.get_cell_formula("A1")
Returns empty string if nothing writed inside cell.
ExcelSheet.to_coord(excel_pos : String) -> Vector2i
Helper function. Converts usual Excel cell adress to column and row indexes pair.
to_coords("B7") # returns Vector2i(2,7)
There is two functions for setting cells:
ExcelSheet.set_cell(coord : Vector2i, data : Variant, is_formula : bool = false) -> Error
Sets one cell inside xlsx sheet. Returns OK on edit success.
Parameter coord is a column-row cell index. You can use ExcelSheet.to_coords() helper function to traslate Excel cell adress.
Allowed value type for parameter data is int, float and String. In other cases function will return ERR_INVALID_DATA.
If is_formula are true, sets cell formula instead of value. In this case, only Strings are allowed as data. Also "=" symbol at begining will be trimmed.
sheet.set_cell(Vector2i(3,5), 25) # Writes integer number 25 to cell "C5"
sheet.set_cell(Vector2i(4,6), 67.55) # Writes float number 67.55 to cell "D6"
sheet.set_cell(Vector2i(5,7), "Hello!") # Writes string "Hello!" to cell "E7"
sheet.set_cell(to_coord("E12"), "=SUM(C5:D6)", true) # Writes formula "SUM(C5:D6)" to cell "E12"
ExcelSheet.set_cells_range(range_str : String, data : Variant, is_formula : bool = false) -> Error
Sets one or multiple cells inside xlsx sheet. Returns OK on edit success.
Parameter range_str can be one cell adress ("A1") or cells range ("A1:B7"). Incorrect ranges as "B1:A4", "A6:C5" or "F3:A1" will be fixed to normal top-left and right-bottom pairs.
Allowed value type for parameter data is int, float, String, PackedStringArray, PackedInt32Array, PackedInt64Array, PackedFloat32Array, PackedFloat64Array and Array. In other cases function will return ERR_INVALID_DATA.
In case of passed arrays, values will be assigned element by element in right-to-left and top-to-bottom order, until reaching end of array or cells range. Invalid values from usual Array will be skipped with cell instead of returning error.
If is_formula are true, sets cell formula instead of value. In this case, only Strings, Arrays and PackedStringArrays are allowed as data. Also "=" symbol at begining will be trimmed.
sheets.set_cells_range("A1:B8", 3) # Sets all cells value to 3 in range "A1:B8"
sheets.set_cells_range("A1:B8", [3, 2.45, true, "Hi!"]) # Result - "A1" - 3, "A2" - 2.45, "A3" - "", "A4" - "Hi!"
After first edit, ExcelSheet will permenatly load data inside yourself and doesn't rely on xlsx data from now.
Same happens if ExcelFile object are closing, but bounded ExcelSheet still have reference somethere else inside your code.
In these cases your code will use more RAM then you can expect.
It also means what you can still use ExcelSheet or ExcelWorkbook objects even after ExcelFile.close() or ExcelFile.open() call.
Only saving functionality will be disabled - editiong or reading will be avalible.
# Save opend file:
excel_file.save() # Returns OK on success. All refs to ExcelSheets and ExcelWorkbook objects are keeped, don't need to refresh them.
# To make copy of opend file somethere:
excel_file.save_as(path) # Returns OK on success.