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Fork of the Swiftnav-ros2 repo

This fork is an attempt to make the driver work for symlinks that point to the serial device.


ROS 2 driver for Swift Navigation's GNSS/INS receivers and Starling Positioning Engine software.

Table of Contents


  • Designed for ROS 2 Humble but also works with ROS 2 Foxy and Galactic
  • Developed and tested on Ubuntu 22.04 (ROS 2 Humble) and Ubuntu 20.04 (ROS 2 Foxy/Galactic) platforms
  • Supports Swift Navigation receivers and Starling Positioning Engine in Swift Binary Protocol (SBP)
  • TCP Client and Serial communication interfaces
  • SBP file playback
  • SBP data logging
  • Publishes ROS 2 standard and Swift Navigation proprietary topics
  • Configurable time stamping
  • Written in C++

ROS Topics

The driver receives Swift binary (SBP) messages (see GNSS Receiver Configuration for setting up the receiver) and publishes the following ROS topics:

Topic publication details are described below.



SBP Messages Used

  • UTC TIME (ID: 259, required/optional) - UTC time of reported position. Required when timestamp_source_gnss is True.
  • GPS TIME (ID: 258, required) - GPS time of reported position.
  • POS LLH COV (ID: 529, required) - GNSS position with covariance.
  • VEL NED COV (ID: 530, required) - GNSS velocity with covariance.
  • ORIENT EULER (ID: 545, optional) - GNSS/INS orientation with estimated errors.
  • DOPS (ID: 520, optional) - GNSS DOP (Dilution Of Precision) data.

Topic Publication

Topic publication depends on timestamp_source_gnss setting flag in the configuration file:

  • True: The topic is published upon receiving SBP UTC TIME, GPS TIME, POS LLH COV, VEL NED COV and, if present, ORIENT EULER messages with the same TOW. The topic timestamp contains the UTC time reported by the GNSS receiver. If the UTC time is not available the current platform time is reported.
  • False: The topic is published upon receiving SBP GPS TIME, POS LLH COV, VEL NED COV and, if present, ORIENT EULER messages with the same TOW. The topic timestamp contains the current platform time.

Topic Fields

ROS2 Message Field SBP Message Data Source Notes
header.stamp UTC TIME See Topic Publication for time stamping details
header.frame_id -- Text from frame_name field in the settings.yaml configuration file
status.satellites_used POS LLH COV
status.satellite_used_prn[] -- Not populated
-- Not populated
status.status POS LLH COV Dead Reckoning (DR) position is reported as STATUS_FIX (0)
status.motion_source VEL NED COV
status.orientation_source POS LLH COV
status.position_source POS LLH COV
POS LLH COV Zeros when the fix is invalid. If position is valid altitude is always present (i.e. never NaN).
If ORIENT EULER message is present and yaw data valid, reports yaw. If yaw is invalid reports computed Course Over Ground from VEL NED COV message. VEL NED COV updates track only if horizontal speed is above the track_update_min_speed_mps setting in the settings file. When the track becomes invalid the last valid track is reported.
speed POS LLH COV Computed horizontal (2D) speed
dip -- Not populated
time GPS TIME GPS time in seconds since 1980-01-06
DOPS DOPs are published if the most recent SBP DOPS message is not older than 2 seconds.
err_track VEL NED COV
err_time -- Not populated
err_dip -- Not populated
POS LLH COV Covariance, if valid, is always TYPE_KNOWN (full matrix).



SBP Messages Used

  • UTC TIME (ID: 259, required/optional) - UTC time of reported position. Required when timestamp_source_gnss is True.
  • POS LLH COV (ID: 529, required) - GNSS position data with covariance.
  • MEASUREMENT STATE (ID: 97, optional) - GNSS constellations data.

Topic Publication

Topic publication depends on timestamp_source_gnss setting flag in the configuration file:

  • True: the topic is published upon receiving SBP UTC TIME and POS LLH COV messages with the same TOW. The topic timestamp contains the UTC time reported by the GNSS receiver. If the UTC time is not available the current platform time is reported.
  • False: the topic is published upon receiving SBP POS LLH COV message. The topic timestamp contains the current platform time.

Topic Fields

ROS2 Message Field SBP Message Data Source Notes
header.stamp UTC TIME See Topic Publication for time stamping details
header.frame_id -- Text from frame_name field in the settings.yaml configuration file
status.status POS LLH COV Dead Reckoning (DR) position is reported as STATUS_FIX (0)
status.service MEASUREMENT STATE GNSS constellations from the last MEASUREMENT STATE message. Reports zero when message is not present.
POS LLH COV Zeros when the fix is invalid. If position is valid altitude is always present (i.e. never NaN). Covariance, if valid, is always TYPE_KNOWN (full matrix).



SBP Messages Used

  • UTC TIME (ID: 259, required/optional) - UTC time of reported velocity. Required when timestamp_source_gnss is True.
  • VEL NED COV (ID: 530, required) - GNSS velocity data with covariance.

Topic Publication

Topic publication depends on timestamp_source_gnss setting flag in the configuration file:

  • True: the topic is published upon receiving SBP UTC TIME and VEL NED COV messages with the same TOW. The topic timestamp contains the UTC time reported by the GNSS receiver. If the UTC time is not available the current platform time is reported.
  • False: the topic is published upon receiving SBP VEL NED COV message. The topic timestamp contains the current platform time.

Topic Fields

ROS2 Message Field SBP Message Data Source Notes
header.stamp UTC TIME See Topic Publication for time stamping details
header.frame_id -- Text from frame_name field in the settings.yaml configuration file
VEL NED COV Conversion from NED frame:
x = east
y = north
z = -down
Zeros when velocity is invalid.
-- Not populated. Always zero.
covariance VEL NED COV If velocity is valid, linear velocity covariance is full matrix. covariance[0] is set to -1 when linear velocity is invalid. covariance[21] is always -1.


swiftnav-ros2/msg/Baseline Proprietary message

SBP Messages Used

  • UTC TIME (ID: 259, required/optional) - UTC time of reported baseline. Required when timestamp_source_gnss is True.
  • BASELINE NED (ID: 524, required) - RTK baseline NED vector.

Topic Publication

Topic publication depends on timestamp_source_gnss setting flag in the configuration file:

  • True: the topic is published upon receiving SBP UTC TIME and BASELINE NED messages with the same TOW. The topic timestamp contains the UTC time reported by the GNSS receiver. If the UTC time is not available the current platform time is reported.
  • False: the topic is published upon receiving SBP BASELINE NED message. The topic timestamp contains the current platform time.

Topic Fields

ROS2 Message Field SBP Message Data Source Notes
header.stamp UTC TIME See Topic Publication for time stamping details
header.frame_id -- Text from frame_name field in the settings.yaml configuration file
mode BASELINE NED Solution mode:
0 - Invalid
3 - Float RTK
4 - Fixed RTK
satellites_used BASELINE NED Number of satellites used in the solution
BASELINE NED Baseline NED vectors in [m]. Zeros when invalid. Vectors origin is at the base location.
baseline_err_h_m BASELINE NED Estimated (95%) horizontal error of baseline in [m]. Zero when invalid.
baseline_err_v_m BASELINE NED Estimated (95%) vertical error of baseline in [m]. Zero when invalid.
baseline_length_m BASELINE NED Computed 3D baseline length. Zero when invalid.
baseline_length_h_m BASELINE NED Computed horizontal baseline length. Zero when invalid.
baseline_orientation_valid BASELINE NED True when baseline orientation (dir and dip) is valid. False when invalid.
baseline_dir_deg BASELINE NED Computed horizontal angle (bearing/heading) from base to rover in [degrees]. Valid only in RTK fixed mode. Range [0..360) from true north. Zero when invalid.
baseline_dir_err_deg BASELINE NED Estimated (95%) error of baseline_dir_deg in [degrees]. Range [0..180]. Zero when invalid.
baseline_dip_deg BASELINE NED Computed vertical angle from base to rover in [degrees]. Valid only in RTK fixed mode. Range [-90..90]. Zero when invalid.
baseline_dip_err_deg BASELINE NED Estimated (95%) error of baseline_dip_deg in [degrees]. Range [0..90]. Zero when invalid.



SBP Messages Used

  • UTC TIME (ID: 259, required/optional) - UTC time. Required when timestamp_source_gnss is True.
  • GPS TIME (ID: 258, required) - GPS time.

Topic Publication

Topic publication depends on timestamp_source_gnss setting flag in the configuration file:

  • True: the topic is published upon receiving SBP UTC TIME and GPS TIME messages with the same TOW. The topic timestamp contains the UTC time reported by the GNSS receiver. If the UTC time is not available the current platform time is reported.
  • False: the topic is published upon receiving SBP GPS TIME message. The topic timestamp contains the current platform time.

Topic Fields

ROS2 Message Field SBP Message Data Source Notes
header.stamp UTC TIME See Topic Publication for time stamping details
header.frame_id -- Not used
time_ref GPS TIME GPS time in seconds since 1980-01-06. sec value is set to -1 if the GPS time is not available.
source -- Text from frame_name field in the settings.yaml configuration file



SBP Messages Used

  • UTC TIME (ID: 259, required/optional) - UTC time. Required when timestamp_source_gnss is True.
  • GPS TIME (ID: 258, required) - GPS time
  • GNSS TIME OFFSET (ID: 65287, required/optional) - Offset of the IMU local time with respect to GNSS time. Required when the original IMU time source is a local time.
  • IMU AUX (ID: 2305, required) - Auxiliary IMU data
  • IMU RAW (ID: 2304, required) - Raw IMU data

Topic Publication

Topic is published upon receiving IMU RAW SBP message. Time stamp depends on timestamp_source_gnss setting flag in the configuration file:

  • True: The topic timestamp contains the UTC time of the measurement computed from UTC TIME, GPS TIME, GNSS TIME OFFSET and IMU RAW SBP messages depending on original IMU time stamping source. If the UTC time is not available the current platform time is reported.
  • False: The topic timestamp contains the current platform time.

Topic Fields

ROS2 Message Field SBP Message Data Source Notes
header.stamp UTC TIME
See Topic Publication for time stamping details
header.frame_id -- Text from frame_name field in the settings.yaml configuration file
-- Not populated. Always zero. orientation_covariance[0] is always -1.
angular_velocity IMU RAW
Reported in sensor frame. Zeros when invalid.
angular_velocity_covariance -- Not populated. angular_velocity_covariance[0] is set to -1 when angular velocity is not valid or when the time stamping source has changed
linear_acceleration IMU RAW
Reported in sensor frame. Zeros when invalid.
linear_acceleration_covariance -- Not populated. linear_acceleration_covariance[0] is set to -1 when linear acceleration is not valid or when the time stamping source has changed

Building Driver

Click here if building driver in a docker


  • libsbp - Swift Binary Protocol library
  • libserialport - Serial Port communication library

Step 1 (Install ROS 2 Humble):

Follow instructions to install ROS 2 Humble

Step 2 (Install libspb):

In any directory you wish, clone libsp v4.11.0, init the repo, make the lib and install it

  git clone
  cd libsbp
  git checkout v4.11.0
  cd c
  git submodule update --init --recursive
  mkdir build
  cd build
  sudo make install

Step 3 (Download Driver Code)

Navigate to workspace directory (e.g.: ~/workspace) and download driver source files

  cd ~/workspace
  mkdir src
  cd src
  git clone

Step 4 (Install Dependencies)

Initialize environment and install dependencies

  cd ~/workspace
  source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install libserialport-dev
  rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Step 5 (Edit Configuration)

Edit configuration file as required. See ROS 2 driver configuration for setting details.

  nano ~/workspace/src/swiftnav-ros2/config/settings.yaml

Step 6 (Build)

Initialize environment and build the driver

  cd ~/workspace
  source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
  colcon build

Launching Driver


Source installed driver and start it

  source install/setup.bash
  ros2 launch swiftnav_ros2_driver

Driver Launch Example

Viewing Topics

Swift specific SBP messages are not a part of the ROS 2 standard library, therefore the following command must be run in any terminal that is used for interfacing with this driver (e.g.: echoing the baseline message in a new terminal)

  source install/setup.bash
  ros2 topic echo /baseline

Changing Configuration

Changing the configuration file can be done in the driver source (config/settings.yaml), but the driver will need to be rebuilt. Alternatively, the configuration file can be changed in the installed directory:

  nano install/swiftnav_ros2_driver/share/swiftnav_ros2_driver/config/settings.yaml

Driver Configuration

The driver configuration is stored in the config/settings.yaml file. The following settings are available:

Parameter Accepted Values Description
interface 1, 2, 3 SwiftNav GNSS receiver communication interface:
1 - TCP Client
2 - Serial port
3 - File (playback)
host_ip E.g.: IP address of the GNSS receiver. Only used if interface is 1.
host_port E.g.: 55556 TCP port used. Only used if interface is 1.
E.g.: 10000 A timeout for read/write operations in milliseconds. Used for interface 1 and 2.
device_name E.g.: /dev/ttyS0 (Linux), COM1 (Windows) Serial device name. Only used if interface is 2.
connection_str E.g.: 115200|N|8|1|N (See Connection String Description) A connection string that describes the parameters needed for the serial communication. Only used if interface is 2.
sbp_file E.g.: /logs/sbp-file.sbp SBP file name for playback. Absolute path is required. Only used if interface is 3. Playback is done at file reading rate, not a real-time.
frame_name string ROS topics frame name
timestamp_source_gnss True, False Topic publication header time stamp source. True: use GNSS receiver reported time, False: use current platfrom time.
baseline_dir_offset_deg -180.0 .. 180.0 RTK Baseline direction offset in [deg]. Floating point value is required.
baseline_dip_offset_deg -90.0 .. 90.0 RTK Baseline dip offset in [deg]. Floating point value is required.
track_update_min_speed_mps E.g.: 1.0 Mininal horizontal speed for track updates from SBP message VEL NED COV in [m/s]. track and err_track outputs are 'frozen' below this threshold. Floating point value is required.
enabled_publishers[] gpsfix
List of enabled publishers. Delete (comment out) the line to disable publisher.
log_sbp_messages True, False Enable/disable SBP raw data recording.
log_sbp_filepath E.g.: /logs/sbp-files/ Absolute path (without a file name) for SBP log file location. File name is created automatically with the current date and time, e.g.: swiftnav-20230404-160720.sbp.

Connection String Description

The connection string for the serial interface has the form: BAUD RATE|PARITY|DATA BITS|STOP BITS|FLOW CONTROL

Baud Rates

1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600.


Value Description
N No parity
E Even parity
O Odd parity
M Mark parity (Not available in some Linux distributions)
S Space parity (Not available in some Linux distributions)

Data Bits

7 or 8

Stop Bits

1 or 2

Flow Control

Value Description
N No flow control
X Xon/Xoff

GNSS Receiver Configuration

The ROS 2 driver works with Swift Navigation receivers and Starling Position Engine software using data in SBP protocol. Refer to the receiver-specific manual to configure your receiver:

It's recommended to dedicate one output port for ROS and output on that port only messages required by the driver. This will minimize the latency and jitter of the incoming messages, and decrease CPU load.

The driver uses the following SBP messages:

Message Name Message ID (decimal) Description
MEASUREMENT STATE 97 Satellite tracking data
GPS TIME 258 GPS time
UTC TIME 259 UTC time
DOPS 520 Dillution Of Precision
BASELINE NED 524 Baseline vectors in NED frame
POS LLH COV 529 Position (latitude, longitude, altitude) with covariance
VEL NED COV 530 Velocity vectors in NED frame with covariance
ORIENT EULER 545 Orientation (roll, pitch, yaw)
Note: message is available only in products with inertial fusion enabled
IMU RAW 2304 Raw IMU data
IMU AUX 2305 IMU temperature and senor ranges
GNSS TIME OFFSET 65287 Offset of the local time with respect to GNSS time

Download Swift Binary Protocol Specification

Piksi Multi / Duro Configuration Example

Piksi Multi and Duro configuration can be changed using Swift Console program. TCP Server 1 settings example:

Piksi Multi Configuration Example

Note: Click SAVE TO DEVICE button to memorize settings over the power cycle.

Starling Configuration Example

Starling configuration is saved in the yaml configuration file. TCP server output example:

    - name: sbp-ros2
      protocol: sbp
      type: tcp-server
      port: 55556
      max-conns: 4
        enabled-messages: [ 97,258,259,520,524,529,530,545,2304,2305,65287 ]

Technical Support

Support requests can be made by filling the Support Request Form on the Swift Navigation Support page (Support Request Form button is at the bottom of the page). A simple login is required to confirm your email address.


Swift Navigation's ROS2 SBP Driver







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  • C++ 95.5%
  • CMake 2.4%
  • Other 2.1%