HackerSeal will kick Limited Steam Accounts and Steam Accounts who didn't setup a profile from your server.
Suggestions are welcome in the Issues tab!
Type Info:
- Boolean: True or False value
- String: A string of characters
- Integer: Value of Numbers
If you do not intend to change the default values, there's no need to include any of these in your config
Config Option | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
hs_enabled | Boolean | True | Enable / Disable HackerSeal from loading on server start |
hs_noban | Boolean | True | Enable/Disable HackerSeal will kick Limited Steam Accounts and Steam Accounts who didn't setup a profile from your server. Disable to ban them for 50 years instead. This will IP-Ban them if you enabled IP Banning this in your config. |
hs_banduration | Integer | 26298000 | Ban duration in minutes. Defaults to 26298000 minutes (=50 years) |
hs_banmessage | String | New Steam accounts are not allowed on this server. You have been permanently banned. | Message to display when the player gets banned for having a Limited/No Profile steam account. |
hs_kickmessage | String | New Steam accounts are not allowed on this server. | Message to display when the player gets kicked for having a Limited/No Profile steam account. |
There are few people that have a limited steam account that play SCP:SL but are legit players. Use this at your own discretion.