View this app at:
- Looks like an amazing classic device we all used to adore.
- Fully working functionalty for listening to music, all controls work : play/pause, forward, reverse, next, previous.
- Fully working settings menu(change theme, change wheel color, change wallpaper).
- Amazing looking lock screen.
- Now playing Menu.
- All design credits to apple, afterall immitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Also motivated by an app named retroPod from appstore by James'o Brian.
- Songs and images only for personal use, a big credit to font-awesome and flat-icons.
- Please contact me for any concerns.
- To unlock screen you have to press center button and to lock screen you have to press menu button in main menu.
- To play and pause music in any menu you need to press play/pause button on bottom.
- Short pressing on forward/reverse will take you to next/previous track (ONLY WHILE PLAYING)
- Long pressing on forward/reverse will seek the song in forward/reverse (ONLY WHILE PLAYING)
- To navigate between a menu items you need to rotate on track wheel
- To go to next menu or go inside a menu press center button and to go to previous menu press menu button
- Songs do play and Please checkout settings menu
- Run this app by directly opening the above link or follow steps below to set up on local directory.
- Clone this project
- Start by installing npm if you don't have it already.
- Navigate to Project Directory by :
cd iPod-Classic
- run following commands :
npm install
npm start or react-scripts start
- all code files
- all react components
- all css files
- all static files