Releases: Riverscapes/riverscapes-tools
RSC Changes
- Revised
GeoPackage. - Report CSS updated to new riverscapes branding.
- Filter non-gdb nhd urls from science base
- Improve split NHDArea efficiency
- Remove segmentation from hydro_derivatives - only keep intersections
- Include required fields for VBET in VAA flowlines feature class
Channel Area
- use intersected network as flowline input
What's Changed
- Nhdarea levelpath by @jtgilbert in #875
- waterbodies split and attributed with ID and level_path by @jtgilbert in #877
- Rsc missing reaches by @KellyMWhitehead in #880
Full Changelog: Nov2023_release...Jan2024_RSCrelease
November 2023 release
Tool Versions
lib/commons "1.4.6"
lib/cybercastor "0.0.1"
anthro "0.2.0"
brat "4.4.2"
channel "1.3.2"
confinement "1.0.0"
hand "0.1.0"
rcat "3.1.1"
rme "0.6.1"
rscontext "1.4.2"
taudem "1.2.3"
vbet "3.1.0"
What's Changed
Confinement is its own package.
There is a new version of Riverscape Metric Engine (RME) that calculates various metrics as well as aggregating metrics from upstream projects (VBET, Confinement, Anthro, RCAT).
- RCAT and Anthro include hillshades in the project for context.
- Confinement converted to its own independent package
- RME aggregates metrics from upstream tools
- RME produces metrics at both DGO and IGO (moving window level)
Published on Zeondo:
Bailey, P., Gilbert, J., Reimer, M., Whitehead, K., Sawyer, S., & Wheaton, J. (2024). Riverscape Tools - Production Grade Riverscape Network Models (Nov2023_Release). Zenodo.
August 2023 Release
Tool Versions
lib/commons "1.4.6"
lib/cybercastor "0.0.1"
anthro "0.2.0"
brat "4.4.0"
channel "1.3.2"
hand "0.1.0"
rcat "3.1.0"
rme "0.4.0"
rscontext "1.4.2"
rvd "0.3.0"
taudem "1.2.3"
vbet "3.0.5"
What's Changed
RCAT and Anthro were updated to include DGO layers in the output geopackages.
- RCAT and Anthro include DGO outputs in their output geopackages, attributed with all of the metrics the models produce
- additional moving window function in RSCommons
- Some minor fixes to Confinement
- New RSCommons functions for using DGOs with fuzzy inference system scripts
July 2023 Release
Tool Versions
lib/commons "1.4.5"
lib/cybercastor "0.0.1"
anthro "0.1.1"
brat "4.4.0"
channel "1.3.2"
hand "0.1.0"
rcat "3.0.2"
rme "0.4.0"
rscontext "1.4.2"
rvd "0.3.0"
taudem "1.2.3"
vbet "3.0.5"
What's Changed
This release includes bug fixes to the Anthropogenic Context model, and one fix to the commons module for raster operations.
- Several minor changes to cybercastor.
No major changes from previous release.
April 2023 Release
Tool Versions
lib/commons "1.4.4"
lib/cybercastor "0.0.1"
anthro "0.1.0"
brat "4.4.0"
channel "1.3.2"
hand "0.1.0"
rcat "3.0.2"
rme "0.4.0"
rscontext "1.4.2"
rvd "0.3.0"
taudem "1.2.3"
vbet "3.0.5"
What's Changed
There are almost too many changes to mention. The main concept though is that this release includes the new VBET model (still, pre-tuned) and all projects now build with the updated XML that works with the new Warehouse Data Exchange
added to simplify batch-running of jobs.- XML updated to work with the new
WarehouseData Exchange
- Many things
October 2022 Release
Tool Versions
rscommons "1.3.0"
sqlbrat "4.4.0"
channel "1.2.0"
gnat "0.2.0"
hand "0.1.0"
rscontext "1.3.0"
rvd "0.3.0"
taudem "1.1.0"
vbet "0.6.0"
What's Changed
- Updated tool generation to accommodate domain name change from
- Metrics generator by @jtgilbert to support the new watershed attributes API
- Brat Report updates by @jtgilbert
- Fixes to increase reliability of science base
- Minor improvements to Cybercastor automation scripts
- Tooling improvements to create environmental parity for other architectures such as M1 Arm chips
Constants and parameters
- Bear River BRAT equations and parameters by @jtgilbert in #517
- BRAT param updates for MT and BEAR by @jtgilbert in #519
- added equations for cross-border HUCs by @jtgilbert in #521
- changed one last wrong equation by @jtgilbert in #522
- added missing max da values for mt by @jtgilbert in #526
- updated hydro equations for some SD regions by @jtgilbert in #538
- Capacity model applied to canals with DA above threshold by @jtgilbert in #531
- updated some great plains overrides by @jtgilbert in #540
- fixed the ecoregion for prairie overrides by @jtgilbert in #543
- MHFD BRAT hydro params by @jtgilbert in #548
- Raster Stats missing count error by @KellyMWhitehead in #520
- RSC: minor bug fix for adding hucs bordering Mexico by @KellyMWhitehead in #530
- RS Context Fixes by @KellyMWhitehead in #541
- Add Project Bounds to RS Projects by @KellyMWhitehead in #542
- updated vbet_68 references in tools to vbet_full by @jtgilbert in #554
- Canal da by @jtgilbert in #560
- changes to get RST running on Philips M1 Mac by @philipbaileynar in #571
- removing hand from rscontext by @jtgilbert in #576
- Metrics by @jtgilbert in #599
- Docs .xyz to .net by @philipbaileynar in #601
Full Changelog: Dec2021_release...Oct2022_release
December 2021 release
rscommons 1.2.3
brat 4.3.3
channel 1.1.2
gnat 0.1.7
hand 0.0.4
rscontext 1.2.3
rvd 0.2.7
taudem 1.0.3
vbet 0.5.2
This is a hot-fix release that mainly deals with improvements to BRAT. All tools have been incremented version numbers since there were small changes to rscommons
that could affect them.
Bug Fixes
- RSContext ScienceBase workarounds for missing DEM data #511
- RS Context Downloading multiple DEM's #515
- BRAT Hydro parameter updates
- BRAT add waterbody filter to reaches #470
- BRAT Add land ownership to project #498
- BRAT update
field criteria #457 - BRAT Add Buffers to intermediates GPKG #488
- VBET Non-Noded Intersection bug fix #449
Mid-October 2021 release
rscommons 1.2.2
sqlbrat 4.3.2
channel 1.1.1
gnat 0.1.6
rscontext 1.2.2
rvd 0.2.6
taudem 1.0.2
vbet 0.5.1
This release is mainly about stabilization and bug fixes with a handful of small changes to tighten up XML and make business logic easier to write
Bug Fixes
- #466 Mismatch of project xml to actual gpkg layers
- #454 BRAT: Errors were found inserting records into the database
- #436 RS Context Error: Verify Areas Raster Area covers only 45.24% of the shapefile
- #435 RS Context Cutline transformation failed
- #450 Missing Field (index error)
What's new in this release?
- ?
October 2021 release
rscommons 1.2.1
sqlbrat 4.3.1
channel 1.1.0
gnat 0.1.5
hand 0.0.3
rscontext 1.2.1
rvd 0.2.5
taudem 1.0.1
vbet 0.5.0
What's new in this release?
VBET area metrics have been added to the vbet and geomorphic polygons, with the threshold change of 80 to 90 for inactive/active floodplain boundary, and feature class name updates.
- Total Valley Bottom Feature Class Metrics enhancement
- VBET Metrics for active_floodplain feature class enhancement
- VBET Metrics for inactive_floodplain Feature Class enhancement
- VBET Area Attributes pkg:VBET
- VBET Threshold Change from 80 to 90 enhancement pkg:VBET
- VBET Output Feature Class Names enhancement pkg:VBET
Channel Area
Channel area polygons no longer filter out islands (holes).
- Stop removing donuts 🐛 bug pkg:ChannelArea
- Add metadata to Channel Area Project Inputs and Outputs pkg:ChannelArea
September 2021 Release
This is a big one. Not all changes are listed but the big ones will get a note:
rscommons 1.2.x
sqlbrat 4.3.x
channel 1.0.x
gnat 0.1.x
rscontext 1.2.x
rvd 0.2.x
taudem 1.0.x
vbet 0.4.x
VBET has been completely overhauled
- VBET Tweaks and Refinements (#369)
- VBET Parameter file enhancement (#183)
- VBET Inconsistencies - No views / No DEM? (#319)
- VBET is buffering artifical connectors (#312)
- Extensible topographic evidence rasters enhancement (#184)
New Tools
- Create a new Riverscapes Project type of Channel Area to house both this data type and optional tool (#330)
- Update ChannelArea tool inputs to include waterbodies (#348)
- Channel Area Evidence Tweaks (#365)
This new tool extends the old HAND tool (now retired) and enhances it with more layers computed using [TauDEM]
- tauDEM riverscapes tool (#340)
- Calculate GDAL D8 Slope from DEM as part of TauDEM project and pass as input back to VBET as the Slope input derived from same DEM enhancement (#370)
- Add GeoPackage as element name to TauDEM XSD? (#379)
Features across projects
- All projects add their logs to the project xml (#398) now, allowing Rave to see it (assuming the businesslogic allows for it)