Get Ubisoft - Uplay App/Game IDs from the Windows Registry for any installed games with the uplay://launch/{ID}/0 (URL Scheme Handler)
If you own any games from Ubisoft prior to the introduction of their "Ubisoft+ Games Subscription". Such as Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™ Gold Edition, etc...
You could easily install your games along with its appropriate "Desktop Shortcut" that would allow you to launch the game.
However, if you ever Subscribed and/or Trialled out their Ubisoft+ Subscription service and later Cancelled it while having played the certain old games in the Ubisoft+ Catalogue you would have noticed a different App/Game ID being used to refer and launch the game.
If you downloaded Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™ Gold Edition from your owned games library while not in an Active Ubisoft+ Subscription. The following Desktop Shortcuts are created:
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Singleplayer)
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Multiplayer)
You will not be able to launch this game instead Ubisoft Connect will ask you to either Login and/or Activate a key
To FIX the ISSUE you would need to know the App/Game ID when you installed the game from the Ubisoft Connect Launcher.
Thus, running the will check the Windows Registry and retrieve ALL the Uplay App/Game IDs as well as display the URL Scheme Handler used to launch that specific game.
Changing the App/Game ID from 565 to 273 should fix any shortcut issues you have for this game and others....
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Singleplayer)
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Multiplayer)
Alternatively, you might want to fix the Start Menu shortcuts which also are affected by the same issue.
Open Run using the "Windows Key + R" paste the below Path. Locate the Game shortcuts and modify the Properties to include the correct App/Game ID
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
NOTE: Uplay uses the following URL Scheme Handler
MODE is a numerical value usual; 0 or 1; for Singleplayer and Multiplayer respectively. However, certain games like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege uses this to launch either the DX11 (0) or Vulkan (1)
uplay://launch/{GAME_ID}}/0 for Singleplayer
uplay://launch/{GAME_ID}}/1 for Multiplayer