is a simple script for remote desktop control using Windows Remote Desktop Connection through a Ngrok tunnel.
It allows you to obtain the TCP address of your Ngrok tunnel endpoint and start a Windows Remote Desktop Connection to that endpoint.
This can be useful for quickly and easily accessing a remote Windows machine via a Ngrok tunnel with a free Ngrok account that changes the TCP address every time the remote machine is restarted.
Create an account at and install the Ngrok client on both the client and remote machines.
Install ngrok
From an elevated command prompt to install Ngrok on Windows, Run:choco install ngrok
or download ngrok.exe from and add it to your environment path.
Add your Ngrok Auth Token to the Ngrok configuration
ngrok config add-authtoken <AuthToken>
Your Auth Token can be found at
Add your Ngrok API Key to the Ngrok configuration
Create an API token from and add it to the ngrok configuration using:
ngrok config add-api-key <API Key>
Your config file located in
should look like this:version: "2" authtoken: <AuthToken> api_key: <API Key>
Install ngrok
Add your Ngrok Auth Token to the Ngrok configuration
Create a TCP tunnel
ngrok tcp 3389
This will create a TCP tunnel to the remote machine on port 3389 (RDP).
You can set up an
batch file that runs on startup to create the TCP tunnel automatically, with the following content:powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "& {Start-Process ngrok -ArgumentList 'tcp 3389'}"and add it to a scheduled task that runs it on startup automatically, using the task scheduler:
On the client machine, run:
or download the ngrokme.exe from the releases page and run it.
- Make sure your Ngrok tunnel is up and running before executing this script.
- You might be prompted for authentication when connecting to the remote Windows machine.
- Beware of firewall rules that might block the Remote Desktop Connection.
To build the executable, run:
On Windows
pyinstaller --onefile --icon=media/ngrok.ico --name NgrokMe
On macOS
pyinstaller --onefile --icon media/ngrok.ico --add-data "template.rdp:." --add-data ".env:." --name NgrokMe
Please use this script responsibly and in compliance with ngrok's terms of service. Consider buying a ngrok license. In this way, you can have a fixed TCP address and avoid the use of this script.