This is an incomplete project, and is wrought with a plethora of issues in both game-balance and coding for the moment, but was built as I first learned Python as a language looking things up as I went. I also made this with a set in place restriction that all I could look up, import, and reference was core language methods/tools, as an example I could look up how to use enumerate in Python but not look up guides for specific tasks such as getting monsters to hunt a player through a maze with something like the aStar method, so I had to be creative and make my own methodology. It's far from good but I'm proud of it in a number of ways regardless and hope to find the time to come back and compelte it / recreate it in a more enjoyable playstyle.
The most up to date version of the code is the batch of files in ../Versions/redesigned_code_dg/ and is initiated by running the file. Version 5.5 was the most completed version before changing to use Tkinter for a GUI from terminal based and has more progression available that I haven't translated over yet, but is still not finished.